Gloom, despair, and agony on me

Crap, that was not a fun weekend. Friday was OK;  We went to see Dr. Doolittle at Starlight with the Martins.  We upgraded our seats to the third row so we’d get the A/C coming off the stage, which was key to our enjoyment of the show. I’d like to be up there for every show, but the cost of the tickets is a bit prohibitive.  The pre-show dinner was good too;  Fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy.  Right up our alley.

Saturday, I spent the entire day working with the neighbor to clean up the aftermath of our new driveway install.  We waited until it got good and miserable out, and then laid sod on both sides of the drive, and started replacing his retaining wall that got torn out.  Wow, I am not in good health.  There is not a single part of my body that isn’t in moderate to extreme pain, and a few that are barely functional at all.  The worst part was, we didn’t even get very far on the wall.  We spent the better part of the day working on it anyway, because it’s gotta get done one way or another.  We gave it up around 8:00, and Donette and I went down to the Brooksider for a little dinner.  It was an early night though, we didn’t stay long.

Sunday I spent the entire morning hobbling over to the window to see if the neighbor had started working again.  Luckily (for me anyway) he got paged and had to go into work all afternoon.  I took advantage of the break by going and getting a pork butt and practicing a little ‘queing.  That pretty well killed the day, messing with the smoker and watching TV.  Remarkably, I had trouble keeping the smoker hot enough.  The dang thing was 125 degrees before I ever even lit it, and then I could only get it up to about 175.  Needed a bit more charcoal I guess, the wood just wasn’t burning hot enough.  It got done, but not to the “shredding” stage;  I’ll throw it in a slow cooker to finish it up this week.  That pretty much wraps up the weekend.  Ed and Kim and Todd came over and ate some pork sandwiches and watched Entourage, and then I shuffled off to bed to try and sleep off the pain.  It didn’t work, I am still suffering mightily.

13 thoughts on “Gloom, despair, and agony on me

  1. Why are you wasting time on Pork Butt. You should be 100% focused on Brisket young Phil. Team Brisket will not accept anything less than an improved preformance over 2005. You may want to think about taking a leave of absence from work to practice, practice, practice.

  2. It’s a simple time issue… 12-13 hours for a brisket, 8-9 hours for pork.

    I will investigate the possibility of taking a brisket sabbatical, I wouldn’t rule it out. Crap, the way I’m feeling I might be able to swing a disability leave.

  3. Not to be picky or anything…..but doesn’t the song (and therefore the heading to your update) go “GLOOM, despair, and agony on me”?
    THEN comes the “woe-oh-oh”
    I know how you pride yourself on accuracy!

  4. Why so it is, the title has been modified accordingly.

    Unfortunately we are unable to accomodate voice inflections at this time, that will be a future release.  I was actually wondering if anyone would comment on that title;  doing so is something of a reflection on your age!!!

  5. Yeah, well I’m younger than you bro as evidenced by my superior memory skills! Have a great week!!

  6. The rest of the song goes: “deep dark depression excessive misery, If it weren’t for bad luck I’d have no luck at all, Gloom dispair and agony on me” Long live Junior Samples and the rest of the Hee Haw Gang !!!!!!1

  7. The entire song for those interested. Who know there was a second verse…

    Gloom, despair, and agony on me
    Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
    If it weren’t for bad luck, I’d have no luck at all
    Gloom, despair, and agony on me

    We figured she was rich, loaded to the hilt
    And we figured she had class like the Vanderbilts
    ‘Cause we had heard for years how she was so well reared
    How was we to know they meant the way she was built

    Gloom, despair, and agony on me
    Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
    If it weren’t for bad luck, I’d have no luck at all
    Gloom, despair, and agony on me

  8. Apparently I need to put more thought into my weekly titles. Who’d a thunk a simple opening line would have spurred such thoughtful commentary.

  9. Wow!!! What a bunch of intellectual Hee-Haw fans. Phil and Sharon, you are both so old, it’s pathetic. How did you get to be so old??! Have a wonderful day everyone!!

  10. I thought they changed the “2nd verse” every week and only kept the “chorus” the same? Wasn’t it a different story line each time? I applaud your memory in even remembering one of them however!!! Much better than Phil who couldn’t even remember the title.

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