Why We Moved

Just a brief(er) update as to our going-ons, as I am on a pseudo-vacation.  Last Thursday, we spent a rather arduous day flying to good ol’ KC.  We (Donette) had intentionally selected Las Vegas as our mid-way point, having no direct flight options, because of the certainty of avoiding weather-induced delays.  Well, what do you know, there was heavy fog in Vegas and no flights were getting in or out.  Only us, I swear.  I don’t really mind getting up at 4:30 to catch a flight, it’s just one of the unfortunate aspects of travelling.  But when your flight doesn’t actually leave until 11:00 in the afternoon it does add a little insult to injury.  We ended up going to Phoenix instead, but our evening plans in KC were long shot by the time we finally got there.  We did get to stop by her parents and visit for a while, before heading south and checking in at the hotel.

The rest of the weekend was something of a blur.  I worked a good amount of the time, while Donette took care of some Christmas shopping, visited with friends & family, and generally enjoyed a little down time.  We got out to my Mom’s for an early Christmas celebration and got to see the whole family for a few hours.  Martin the socialite put together an MU watch party so I got to see a few friends there too, which was fun despite the dismal game results.  We also made it by a good majority of our favorite haunts, none of which disappointed.  Apparently my stomach isn’t up to large quantities of good food anymore though, I spent no small amount of time in severe discomfort.  Granted, it stands to reason that inhaling a slab of ribs in 3.5 minutes is going to result in a tummy-ache, but it didn’t used to.

Now we’ve moved on to the Chicago area, where the roles have reversed;  Donette will be spending her time working and I’ll be sitting in the spa getting my hair and nails done.  We were delayed coming out here also, but were handsomely compensated this time so it’s all good.  I’m not looking forward to much activity outside the hotel room though;  It is COLD here!  Bone-chilling, unfit-for-human-habitation, unbearable COLD.  Brrrrr.  Get me back to CA!!!  It may not be exactly tropical at our house right now, but at least you don’t have to wear 6 layers to go out and get in the car.  Off to the hot tub.