That was a busy weekend. It was a 3-dayer, and I think I got the most out of it. Friday was my bonus day off. After lounging around all morning with the paper and some coffee, I headed off to the gym for a little exercise. Donette, looking for a little exercise also, walked up there to meet me. Walking is her latest kick, and she’s been putting in some miles. It’s a good 4 miles to the gym… I’ll stick to the car, thanks. I was done by the time she got there, and we headed out to the pool for a little lunch and sun. We stayed pool-side for a few hours, then headed home for a quick nap. Alas, the nap was not to be; I got a text from my old college friend Jamie, informing me he was at none other than the Brooksider. I haven’t seen him in a good 10 years, so I headed down there to catch up. He is still in Las Vegas in the professional pirate field, same as last time I saw him. Guess some of us get to have exciting lives. And, some of us don’t. After that, it was down to Boulevard Brewery for a 25th High School Reunion. (Note the clever phrasing; I said “A” 25th reunion, not necessarily MY 25th reunion.) While I will admit I wasn’t exactly amped up for this event, it turned out to be a lot of fun. I spent the whole evening out on their nice deck, enjoying some cigars and catching up with old friends. (Mostly enjoying cigars, ha.) Great place to have a big party if you are ever in the market for such a thing.
Saturday we got up and headed back down to Boulevard. In all the excitement of the party, I’d forgotten to pick up one of their cool cycling jerseys, which I had intended to purchase. Alas, I found the XXL was far too snug for comfort. Hmmm, better keep riding that bicycle. Since we were out anyway, we decided to head out for some chow. Feeling experimental, we headed over to KCK to check out Ninfas. Turned out to be an excellent choice, it was right up our alley. I think “hole in the wall” would sum up the atmosphere accurately. Very small dining room, complete with styrofoam plates & cups. Fine by me, the food on the plates was awesome. I might even head down there for a weekday lunch some time, although judging from the crowd early on a Saturday afternoon it would probably be too packed for me during the week. After lunch we lounged around the house for a while, then headed off to a party down the street with Donette’s co-workers. A bunch of my friends were out and about with the aforementioned pirate, but unfortunately I had this prior obligation. Further details of the evening are not available at this time.
Sunday I got up medium-early for my weekly bicycle ride with Munkirs. Gotta keep riding, maybe I can fit my backs into that XXL jersey by the end of the season. We had a good ride, finally eclipsing the 35 mile mark; Grand total of 36 miles. OK we didn’t exactly shatter the barrier, but we did cross it. We had the option of rolling down to the Plaza and back for another easy 8, but the temp was getting a little uncomfortable by that time so we called it a day. When I got back to the house Donette’s parents were there, returning from breakfast at Eggtc. Honestly I’d have probably preferred an order of biscuits & gravy to a two-hour bike ride, but I wasn’t aware of the option. We visited for a while, then I was off to my Mom’s to work on her PC. I puzzled on that dang thing for about 3 hours and never got it all the way fixed. It has some type of quite persistent issue, maybe even a demonic possession. Whatever it is, my favorite tools weren’t finding it, so I went home and researched the symptoms to tackle another day. Donette spent her afternoon up in the northlands, and when she got home we were both pretty worn out. We stayed home for the evening and grilled hamburgers, which came out quite well. We had the idea to chop up a bunch of our basil and mix it in the burgers; A quick search shows it’s really not that novel of an idea but it turned out delicious at any rate.