When Float Trip Ain’t

Another Float Trip come and gone;  Except it didn’t really come this year.  The weather was actually looking pretty good considering the date, and we were excited about the water conditions.  Given that the water was 25+ feet above normal, it promised to be a nice challenging float.  There would certainly be no dragging on low spots, and we figured the normally 6 hour long float should take around 45 minutes this year;  All good stuff!  Fortunately, as we made our last-minute schedule tweaks before leaving on Wednesday, Munkirs thought to call down and check on the camping conditions, and was told the entire campground was under water.  DOH!  In short, several phone calls later, we ended up at our friend Bill’s lake house down at the Ozarks.  The accommodations and amenities were certainly top-notch, but it weren’t no Float Trip.  What can ya’ do.  All things considered, it was a nice alternative though;  More comfortable if nothing else.  We stayed there until Saturday morning, then called it a trip and headed back to KC.  Having a little unplanned down time on my hands for the weekend, I even got a few pictures up already.

Saturday, after a nice lunch at Jalapenos and a short nap to recover from the rigors of the pseudo-float,  I got right back on my usual schedule of sitting around watching TV.  Woo Hoo.  We did get a nice little entertainment interlude when the neighbor girls called and said they were down at the Brooksider watching the KU game.  They were probably bluffing and just being nice, but we figured what the heck and went down and joined them for a while.  Aside from the decidedly rough nature of the KU crowd, we had a good time, and even stayed out well past our usual curfew.

Sunday we did the standard Easter celebration;  At least “standard” as far as my definition.  We drove out to Mom’s and had a delicious ham dinner, with corn, asparagus, potatoes, and all that good stuff.  After dinner I drove back home to start my bachelor week;  Donette is headed to Houston with my Mom to take a little Spring Break.  So, it’s just me and the myriad pets this week…  Somebody come entertain me.  That’s all I got.  I’m tired.  I think the pups were a bit out of sorts over Donette’s absence last night;  Crazy mutts paced all night long and kept me up.

16 thoughts on “When Float Trip Ain’t

  1. Phil – I think the poll should be refreshed with the following topic. Did Scotten officially miss Float Trip? Basic yes or no response. I would vote on intent and not on the actual outcome. Chuck didn’t know the traditional float trip would be flooded out when he made his ‘no joy’ call. Let the readers decide!

  2. Done.  While this somewhat limits the scope of responses to those familiar with the intricacies of Float Trip, I suppose it’s better than the Easter Egg hunt one.  (For the record, I was the official egg-hider this year though.)

    I was tempted to also throw in the related question of “Did Kevin Brown ATTEND Float Trip,” but that would muddy the waters too much.

  3. You can say what you want but there was NO float trip in 2008.
    GFM is not GLM = Grand Lake Master.

    To date, I have NEVER missed a Pettit weekend with AKL’s. Your little Lake of the Ozarks shopping trip at the outlet mall does not count.

    22 years and going strong.

  4. Proof that it was not a FLOAT TRIP = Kevin Brown was there for crying out loud!
    If Bill Dean can get that “Canoe” under, around, or over the low water bridge that still has Zim’s DNA on it then you can call it a float trip.


  5. Yeah Chucky, all weekend I had to listen to KB tell us what a “hard-core floater he was, not like that wanna-be Carl guy. You gotta fight through the adversity.” Of course we were at the outlet mall at the time, and he was picking through the sweater sales, but all the same; at least he made it to Float Trip this year.

  6. Correction = Kevin made it to “Lake” trip!
    Float Trip was cancelled due to flooding.

  7. Chuck – your float trip was cancelled weeks earlier when you purchased tickets to the ‘Osmand Family Easter Revival’ and ‘Shoji plays your favorite Hymns’. Don’t even go down the outlet mall path as I’m sure you were shopping just like one of the girls – looking for cut-off jean red overalls no doubt. As far as I’m concerned and Phil will back me up I didn’t recognize Kevin Brown’s attendance either – in my mind he wasn’t there either.

  8. By Being in Branson on Wednesday, I was closer to Pettit’s than any of you Thurston Howell’s on the SS Minow at the Lake. Therefore I was actually closer to being at Float Trip than any of you dock sitters.

  9. You got that right. Votes from Carl’s wife, children, in-laws, brother, co-workers, ect should be excluded. I suspect that would make the tally 7 to 1 in favor of the yes’.

  10. Nice changing the poll question.
    The question was “did Carl miss float trip” and the over whelming vote was a resounding 28 no votes to 10 yes votes.
    Now you change the question to get the outcome you want.
    FIX FIX FIX. The people have spoken and the public firmly believes that I did not miss float trip.

    CASE CLOSED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. I don’t think I like what you are insinuating Chucky!!!  We here at pkenagy.com have multiple checks and balances in place to make sure that no such untoward activities occur.

    Dang I didn’t think you knew that many people… Or do you just have a whole lot of PC’s?

  12. I don’t know what you’re talking about.
    The PUBLIC voted and declared that I did not miss float trip.
    You website is obviously more popular than you thought and you have readers all over the country.

    You should go public like those Google dorks and become a billionaire.

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