Well At Least We Had Fun…

Wow is it Monday already?  My sense of time is all messed up again.  I think I need (another) week off.  Most of last weekend was spent at a BBQ competition up in Platte City.  Team TFB was competing in our first contest of the year.  I headed up there Friday after work to find Martin & Brown well into the set-up phase of things.  We actually had a pretty good turnout for the event;  Quite a bit bigger than I expected, especially given the weather.  It was a long, chilly night out in the lawn chair tending the fire.  At least Brice kept me company this time;  It actually was only moderately miserable.  And how did we do?  Well…  Team TFB really doesn’t enter for the whole competitive cooking aspect of the thing.  We enjoy the party, getting outside, some great guitar music with sing-alongs by the fire, and just the general camaraderie of being with some friends you might not have seen for a while.  That little spiel should give you a pretty good idea of how we did.  I didn’t come away totally empty handed though;  I left late Saturday afternoon in a sleepless fog with a cooler full of tasty leftovers and a nice sunburn.  Oh, and a heart full of camaraderie.

Sunday, of course, was Mother’s Day.  Hopefully that revelation isn’t an “oh crap” moment for you.  We met Donette’s parents down at good ol’ Sharps for a nice breakfast.  We got there at 9:00 and got a table immediately, which I thought rather remarkable.  Such was not the case by the time we left;  There was the usual mob scene at the front door waiting for seats.  After breakfast we headed back to the house, digested for a few minutes, and then I headed out to my Mom’s for some lunch.  Two huge meals in 3 hours…  Not a good idea.  Oh I managed though.  We grilled some burgers with all the sides, then topped it off with a Cold Stone ice cream cake.  A feat of gluttony not seen since…  Well, I guess since Friday night at the BBQ competition.  Gee I just don’t understand why I can’t lose a little weight.  After lunch I raced home in time to get the lawn mowed before the weekly monsoon started in.  I am so sick of mowing the lawn that I’m at a bit of a loss.  The fact that it’s only May makes it even worse.  Gonna be a long season I’m afraid.  I got it knocked down though, and then decided to reward myself with a little hot-tub time up at the gym.  As my usual luck would have it, the hot-tub was closed for maintenance.  Figures.  Since I’d gone to the trouble of driving up there, I sat around and watched the Royals game for a while, then called it a loss and headed back home.  Whippee.

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