I got nothing. I almost started construction on an ark but got caught up in the Andy Griffith marathon. Seriously, I have done absolutely nothing since Donette left town last Thursday for a “girl’s weekend” in Hot Springs, taking the car with her. The dogs and I just sort of sat on the couch and sulked, staring out the window at the rain. We were so stir-crazy by Sunday that we did go on a pretty long walk (in the rain, naturally) but other than that the entire weekend was spent playing on the computer or watching TV. My sole accomplishment was getting Fedora Core 7 up and running in VMWare. Wanna hear about that? Didn’t think so.
I guess I incorrectly assumed that you would use the time you saved by ‘mailing’ in last weeks update by posting more trip pictures. I’m still looking forward to pictures of Martin being eyed by the security dogs at the airport, Martin wandering off from the group, and Martin treking across Europe in the baby blue Royals t-shirt.
I thought about it quite a bit, if that counts for anything?