Weekend of Work

I don’t really have anything to report for last weekend, but I’ll make a cursory update for the sake of keeping up appearances.  We did have a little impromptu gathering on Friday night; I was watching TV when Doni stormed the house with all kinds of people she invited over.  They played “beanbag toss” in the back yard for a while… I abstained.

I had to work for the rest of the weekend.  Boo hoo.  You don’t want to hear about it.  I do however get some level of interest from pondering this little factoid:  If I go out for “fun” I’m doing good to make it until 10:00, yet I can still manage an “all-nighter” at work.  Does this mean that I find work more interesting, and it keeps me awake?  That I use more energy playing than working and wear out quicker?  Hmmmm.  I’ll do some cipherin’ on that.