Time For Football

Let me preface this entry by pointing out that I am quite disinterested in typing this.  I would expect that to be reflected in the resulting post.  So there.  I am fortunate enough to have the day off, and I’m sure I could be doing something better, although I’m not exactly sure just what.

We had way too many things on our “list” for the weekend.  So many, in fact, that we sort of shifted into panic gear and didn’t actually accomplish too many of them.  It happens.  Friday, for instance, we were supposed to go on an “outing” but it turned out we just didn’t have it in us, so we sat down at the Brooksider and enjoyed one of the rare rain-free days.  We didn’t stay too long, and might still have gone out later, but in a rather unfortunate turn of events Gabe hurt his foot at doggie day-care so we had to stay home and tend to that.  He somehow managed to crack one of his nails, and it was bleeding all over the place.  This particular injury does not go well with light-colored carpeting.  We might have to just tear up the carpet on the stairs;  Haven’t decided yet.  Unfortunately we just had it put in not too long ago, but what can ya’ do.  Right now it looks like somebody slaughtered a goat in the living room and dragged the carcass up the stairs.  OK that’s a rather graphic image, but also quite accurate…

Saturday was kind of a blur…  I don’t really know what happened.  Things started off with a rather unexpected bit of exercise, when one of our neighbors called and said they had an aerator rented, and wanted to know if I wanted in on the fun.  Well, matter of fact that was on my list of fall chores, so I had to hurry up and mow and mark all the sprinkler heads, then tried to push the aerator around for 30 min or so.  Those stupid things are like torture machines, especially on teeny yards like ours where you have to turn around every ten feet.  After that nightmare, we went out and picked the scooter up from the shop sometime around noon, and had lunch at Maloney’s while we were in the neighborhood.  We had evening plans once again, and once again we bailed on them.  I just don’t like leaving the ‘hood it seems, and I think I might be getting worse.  The Plaza is about as far as I really care to go.  So, I ended up just going down to the good ol’ Brooksider and watching the Missouri game.  It was crowded and loud, but I guess it was an “event.”

Sunday went by rather quickly too.  Some time ago we had donated a brisket dinner to an auction, and the people who bought it were cashing it in.  We were lounging around the house, watching football and such, and all of a sudden we were running late.  The house turned into a flurry of activity for a few hours, and we ended up only being about 15 minutes late on our delivery.  When we got back home, the neighbors had all gathered across the street in a driveway, for some kind of quaint little “neighborhood happy hour.”  As this met my somewhat restrictive geographic requirements for entertainment, we joined in the fun.  So, we hung out over there for a few hours, complaining about the new sidewalks, meeting the newest neighbors, talking about the houses that are for sale;  General neighborly chit-chat I guess.  After that, a few hours of football, and the weekend was over.

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