Man it is too hot for me out there. I had to break down and mow the yard yesterday and it like to killed me. It didn’t help that I waited until 1:30 in the afternoon to do it either. I’m ready for Fall.
That was a relatively busy weekend. A rather social one too. We started off the weekend Friday at Starlight with the Martins. The show for the week was “Jesus Christ Superstar.” I will have to rate the production a “high tolerable.” While I will probably go to my grave without ever saying I actually LIKED a show, I will admit that this was one of the better ones. It was more entertaining than watching the bats that fly around over the stage, which is unusual.
Saturday was entirely too busy, but entertaining. We headed up to Smithville and took a cruise on the Martin’s boat for the better part of the afternoon. The Munkirs came up too… We’ve now seen them twice in as many weeks!! Remarkable! After taking in roughly way too much sun, we headed back to the slums to clean up, and then everybody came down and joined us for dinner at Carmen’s. The Scotten’s even took a little break from their moving endeavors to voyage north and dine with us. It was Donna and Kelly’s birthday; we even sang happy birthday and the whole nine yards. The most notable event of the evening was Munkirs racking up 4 witty comments during dinner. This quite possibly eclipsed his life-long total, and all in one evening!! Apparently he has been sitting at home in the dark crafting these zingers during the last 2-3 months that he’s been MIA. After dinner I had to go to work… BOOOO!!!!
Sunday I spent most of the day at home, putting in some quality time with Gabe. He obviously wasn’t too pleased at being left alone all day Saturday while we were out playing around, so I had to make it up to him. A little walking, a little fetch… Doesn’t take much to keep him occupied. I also ventured into a little electrical repair in the house. We recently had a new over-the-stove microwave installed, and of course nothing can ever, ever, ever work right the first time. It would run for about a minute and then power off. Not blow a fuse… Just shut down. After a little experimentation, we found that if you pounded on a certain junction box in the basement, it would come back on. So, after a few weeks of thinking about it, I finally got around to opening up said box to have a look-see. It wasn’t pretty; One of the wire nuts had completely melted down and dripped plastic all over the place, and burned through a few of the wires. Even to the untrained eye, it appeared quite unsafe. So, I took everything apart, cleaned it up, and put it back together. So far, so good… The microwave runs, and nothing seems to get hot. There is about a 15 percent chance that my house is on fire right now.
That strikes me as a rather lame update as I review it. The weekend was much more eventful than indicated in this summary. Guess you’ll just have to trust me on that. Tonight is supposed to be a bit cooler… I vote “Brooksider Deck” for dinner.