The Time is Past

Well there you go, another year at the Royal has come and gone.  It was a good time, I will grudgingly admit.  However, we must never, ever, ever talk about the food, or consequent judging results, on this site.  Ever.  Never ever.  For that matter, let’s not even talk about the events leading up to or including the contest.  Just drop it.

Unfortunately for my Weekly Update, the Royal consumed my entire weekend, starting  Thursday afternoon and ending Sunday morning.  Since I have banned all conversation relative to said event, that doesn’t leave just a whole lot of material to work with.  I did venture out late Sunday morning to have a little breakfast down at Sharp’s, but I was continually bothered by the uncomfortable feeling that everybody around me was whispering negative things about me under their breath.  So I took half of my biscuits and gravy to go and went home, where I huddled in front of the TV for the rest of the day and watched my Fantasy Football team get crushed.  I think I might be in a bio-rhythm slump or something.  Seems like more of a friggin’ flat line actually.

I am still in something of a post-weekend funk, but just for the sake of throwing in something positive, I’ll mention that the dogs started working with a new trainer this evening.  We signed them up for Bark Busters a few weeks ago, and tonight was our first session.  I thought it went very well, aside from the fact that the guy was here for 3 1/2 hours.  Good for the dogs, but didn’t mesh too well with my documented 20 minute attention span.  I’d say lil’ Belle made some pretty big strides, especially in the leash-walking department.  She’s a pretty good “puller” on the leash; makes things kind of hard with another dog and a bum shoulder.  He slapped a choke chain on her and showed us how to use it, and she’s (almost) golden.  It was practically Dog Whisperer-esque.  And, in an unexpected bonus, he thought Gabe was such a good boy he wouldn’t even take our money for him.  Ding ding.

10 thoughts on “The Time is Past

  1. There are no pictures. There is no record what-so-ever. Not photographic, written, spoken… As far as I am concerned, the event never happened.

  2. I’m so disappointed. Heck the main reason I participated in the AMR-BBQ was to get a line or two of press in the weekly update. I figured if nothing else I might get lucky and get a picture posted. You could have put the blame on me for the poor brisket showing. Not that I had anything to do with it but you still could have put it on me.

  3. I have been waiting all day for your posting to hear how it went since we were unable to make it down and you are not going to say anything about it. Try and put out some pictures. Atleast our football team won on Friday night. Maybe Josh should have came down and helped you out. You have all year to get ready for next year and the nephews love to eat your brisket. You can practice on them. Post pictures PLEASE!!

  4. The public has spoken! Resoundingly, they want coverage of the Royal event to be documented here on your site. Give the public what it wants, that’s what I say!!

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