OK, three days and counting until the BBQ people. Get ready to bring your “A” game. Actually, since the addition of the Band, I’m dreading the entire event like a root canal. No good ever came of a band. None. Takes up too much space, too loud, draws in all the riff-raff… just a general party-killer. Count me as “against” this idea. But I’m sure they’ll be great… Really… Come on down…
That weekend was one big blur of BBQ and football. Friday I took the day off from work to demo our new “secret weapon” for the Royal. Naturally I can’t provide details, because then it wouldn’t be a secret weapon at all. I’ll just say it was a premium cut of brisket, provided by Martin’s neighbor Dave. It got good reviews at dinner; This could be the year I finally crack the top 50 percentile. Aim high, I always say. After dinner, Munkirs (the other half of “Team Brisket”) came over and spent some time prepping nearly 70 lbs. of brisket for the big party. Martin jumped in and helped out too. Normally you would not want a rib guy working on your briskets, but the sheer quantity involved kind of made it necessary. It was a rather daunting pile of beef to tell the truth.
Saturday we took the dogs down to the “Strut With Your Mutt” event in Brookside. Overall I would categorize this little outing in the “Bad Idea” filings. Young Belle just isn’t quite ready for prime time yet. Just a little too exciteable, to put it mildly. We got lots of free puppy-swag though, so maybe it was worth it. Maybe. After that thoroughly frazzling little walk, I headed up north to help out with the smoker. Martin had gotten up at the crack-o-dawn and put the briskets on, and they were coming along quite nicely. It was quite a sight really… the smoker was loaded to near capacity I’d say. Eight briskets, four slabs of ribs, and two chickens. We should be ahead of the game for our party this Friday after all the prep work we’ve been doing. The rest of the day was spent poking the fire, turning the meat, and watching college football. My kind of day.
Sunday goes in the “Rest and Recovery” category. I broke out my “Food Saver” vacuum sealer that Donette bought me last week, and sealed up some of the briskets. After that, it was football and intermittent naps. Not too exciting really, but rather relaxing. Unfortunately, after Carson Palmer’s rather dismal outing, my Fantasy Football team didn’t fare too well. High score money is definitely out this week, I’m just hoping to pull out a win from tonight’s game.
Now you’re against the Band. Where were you when I stood as the lone voice of reason. I thought I could always count on you to vote against fun. Maybe next year.
Actually you will see my vote in the poll as a “maybe,” which was a miserably failed bluff. My exact words were: “OK if it doesn’t cost me any extra I might be for it.” What are the odds of some benevolent soul coughing up the money out of their own pocket to pay for it??? Thanks Eric.
You fun hater’s are bring’n me down!
DTKB – the main reason I float with Phil is because there is little or no chance of any fun breaking out in our canoe or camp site. That and the fact that I don’t have to talk to Phil or listen to any music on the trip down – 5 hours of dead silence – can’t think of anything better!