The Freeze is Over

One would think that, given the week off from updating this, I would be absolutely bursting with news of the fun, exciting events of the past weeks.  Such is not the case.  This could be a result of my limited memory span, or an indicator of my recent lack of enthusiasm;  Take your pick.

We spent the last week in St. Louis.  I was working, the weather was crappy, and I couldn’t get a decent Internet connection at the hotel.  I could stretch all that into a scathing 500 word rant, but why bring everyone down.  We did have a nice Valentines dinner, if not quite as planned.  We had reservations at the Station Grille at Union Station, but that was a long drive from the hotel we were at and the roads were miserable.  So, we ended up at a nearby Macaroni Grill… Not exactly what we had in mind, but better than sitting around the hotel.  The wait was over an hour, but we didn’t have anything better to do so that was fine.  Other than a nice steak dinner over at Jeff and Victoria’s, the rest of the trip was pretty much comprised of work and cursing the hotel’s wireless connection.

So, on to this weekend.  This shouldn’t take long.  Yes, the bad weather is supposedly over now, but that starts today.  I spent the majority of the weekend looking out the window thinking how cold it looked outside.  Friday night, in something of an emerging pattern, we stayed in and watched movies.  This has been working well for us;  Cheap, relatively entertaining, and the dogs approve too.  The screenings for this week included “Monster House” and “Pirates of the Caribbean 2.”  Coupled with a delicious dinner of microwave popcorn, this pretty well passed the time for the evening.  One down, two to go.

Saturday afternoon didn’t bring much.  Still too cold.  Munkirs got a new dog, that was my excitement for the day.  I don’t have any of my own news, I have to borrow other people’s.  Sad, sad.  Donette went and got her nails done all afternoon, but that didn’t provide a lot of entertainment for me personally.  I guess I did watch a few dozen back-to-back episodes of King of the Hill;  Can’t go wrong there.  Thank goodness for cable TV.  For dinner we met the Martins and Habigers at Frondizi’s on the Plaza.  We were celebrating Martin’s 43rd birthday.  Wow, I know somebody that is 43 years old.  This would, just by association, make me old also, if not quite THAT old.  Wow, 43.  Wow.  I keep trying to shake the thought, with somewhat limited success so far.  Forty three.  Anyway, aside from the ominous underlying reason for the gathering, we had a delicious dinner.  The entire meal took a solid two hours, which I like to call the “Full Dining Experience.”  It sounds like a long time, but it was very nicely paced actually.  And, when you’re talking about a table full of “seniors,” you don’t want to rush things.  Savor the moment, so to speak.

Sunday’s excitement was provided by the big Nascar race.  Having absolutely no interest what-so-ever in Nascar, the level of excitement was somewhat muted, but it was a diversion.  I sat down at the Brooksider with the usual crowd and stared at the little cars going round and round though; seemed like the thing to do.  I didn’t make it all the way through though;  Couldn’t take it.  I went back home and sporadically watched the rest of the event on my own TV.  That’s about it.  I’ve got today off and I don’t want to waste a potentially exciting holiday playing on my PC.  Note I said “potentially.”  I did go to the coffee shop and read the paper this morning;  I’d say the day has pretty well peaked.

2 thoughts on “The Freeze is Over

  1. You are going to feel REALLY old when you get your A$$ kicked by a 43 year old. I’m putting you on notice Kenagy.

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