Christmas is almost here. Rather, Christmas is almost over, if you view it as more of a nuisance than anything. Actually this Holiday season isn’t shaping up too bad; It’s still early though.
While that was a busy weekend, I am not particularly inclined to detail all the events. I’m just plain ol’ tired and I don’t feel like typing. In the interests of consistency though, I’ll try to at least make a passable effort at a weekend overview. Things started off solid on Friday with Donette’s company Christmas party, which was at Morton’s. You just can’t go wrong there. I had an enormous bone-in ribeye, and Donette had the slightly-less-gluttonous cut of the same. In a well-executed plan of attack, we skipped the salads and took it easy on the appetizers, which left enough room to focus on the truly important part of the meal. I almost polished mine off.
Saturday we spent most of the afternoon shopping. We started at Office Max, where we picked up a new computer desk. Donette has been into some heavy remodeling upstairs, and our current desk doesn’t fit into her grand scheme. After that mundane purchase, we headed out to Scooterworld in Overland Park, because I wanted to show Donette some of the nerd-mobiles I’ve been eying for a while. She was so enamored with them we ended up going ahead and picking one up! Unfortunately they didn’t have a helmet to fit my melon, so I have to wait on riding it. Donette is set up and ready though, complete with a neon pink jacket. Oh yeah, we’re styling. After that thoroughly exhausting ordeal, we took a little nap and then headed over to our friend Susan’s house for her annual Christmas Extravaganza. That was a festive time as always, and even better with the 60-degree weather. We spent most of the evening out on the back deck; can’t beat that for mid-December.
Sunday turned into a rather unfortunate work-a-thon for me, while Donette worked on her painting project upstairs. That ate up most of the day, although I did get around to assembling the new computer desk. For evening entertainment we met Ed and Kim down at the Brooksider and watched the unfortunate debacle of the Chiefs game. Because I strive to always find the positive in every situation though, I will point out that I needed mucho points out of Ladainian Tomlinson for my Fantasy Football team, and he delivered in kind. Before his offensive barrage I stood to get knocked out of the playoffs; as it stands now I at least have a chance of surviving, depending on the outcome of this evening’s game.
Dude – Nice generic link to Scooterworld (which I thought said Scottenworld at first – which really is the same difference). Which one did you get, what color, what are the specs, how did you get it home assuming you picked it up. Did they have to order a special helmet for you? You left a lot of details out of this paragraph which I need to heckle you about buying a scooter! Its going to take me a couple of days for that to soak in.
Yes I left out any and all detail. That’s just a teaser entry, designed to pique your interest in this bad new machine. They have to order an XL helmet for me… It should be in later this week and then I’ll be a genuine scooter outlaw. I have my choices narrowed down to these three helmets:
Option One
Option Two
Option Three
I like Option 1. Maybe if people know you have a couple of Pitbulls they won’t make fun of you and kick your backside for riding about on a Scotter!
I vote for option 1. Option 2 reminds me of Hogan’s Hero and 3 doesn’t look like you at all. Just incase you are taking votes.
After reading this post I am reminded of the movie Dumb and Dumber. I can see Phil and James riding the scooter to float trip on a cool spring evening. They arrive with frozen snot in each nostril.
Option 3
It ain’t a scooter, it’s a chopper, baby.