Swing Low

Man if I was in a foul mood last week, this week would rate downright boorish.  Try as I might, my naturally effervescent attitude is unable to overcome the cumulative effects of work, weather, and shaky health.  I’ve been bordering on sick for a few weeks now, and I think it’s starting to catch up with me.  And as for Donette, she took a header down the stairs last Friday (likely in an effort to avoid going to work) so I’ve been tending to her every whim, even more so than usual.

Friday, once again a few people from work joined me at the Brooksider for a light Happy Hour celebration.  Not much to recount there…  Nothing ever changes at the Brooksider, which is why I go there.  We hung out for a bit, then I picked up a delicious order of chicken strips to go (1/2 price before 7:00, you know) and went home to watch TV.  I watched a couple of movies, starting with “Epic Movie.”  Wow, was THAT a poor movie.  I generally kind of like stupid movies;  They’re usually good for a chuckle or two.  This one, unfortunately, was so stupid it couldn’t even be followed.  I really can’t explain why I didn’t just shut it off and move on to the next one, which was “Resident Evil.”  Mildly more entertaining, as I am somewhat fond of senseless action movies, but still definitely leaning towards the stupid side.

Saturday could be summed up as a day lost out of my life.  I spent a little time in the back yard with the dogs, but that was about it.  I had to go in to work around midnight, and that loomed in front of me like a black cloud all day.  I am just almost too old for those all-night work sessions.

Sunday, Hop-Along-Doni pretty much insisted we leave the house for a while.  She spent all day Friday and Saturday in bed resting her ankle, and we were both effectively stir-crazy by Sunday.  We went to Costco and bummed around for a while, eating samples and buying things we don’t need, which is what you are supposed to do at Costco I think.  After that we headed back to the house, with a stop at the Brooksider stuck in the trip as a waypoint.  We caught up on all the weekend gossip, mostly which revolved around the big shooting at Price Chopper on Saturday.  We were having a pretty good time hanging out, but were interrupted by some silly band doing non-stop sound-checks.  “Yes, you are extremely loud, you can stop playing now.”  They were quite a group of characters though, and did make for some interesting people-watching for a while.  Believe it or not, it was a Missouri tribute band, and they looked the part.  Geez that music is even just a bit older than my tastes, although not by much.