Not much to go with this week; Donette spent the weekend in Vegas with her little friends, so I just hunkered down and watched it rain. Unfortunately she did not strike it rich, or at least she didn’t tell me about it if she did. Guess I gotta keep going to work, dang it.
Although I didn’t do much over the weekend, I did partake in a few “events” over the week. Wednesday I lucked into some sweet Royals tickets. Our neighbor Brooke scored four seats on the very front row, lower level right behind the Royals dugout. We were so close I coulda reached out and smacked Rusty Kuntz on the back of the head. It actually made me a little nervous, I was pretty sure I was going to get a bat or ball upside the head at any moment. The weather was great too, although I underestimated the UV rays and put a good toasting on my head. Ouch. Of course they lost the game, as they always do when I go.
Thursday night I went with Brooke and her friend Nick to see Beer Wars. It was pretty interesting, if a bit slow and about 20 minutes longer than my attention span. I was surprised at the attendance, or rather the lack thereof. I’d say there were probably about 50 people there. Fine by me though, plenty of room that way. After the movie we went to Westport (??!!) for a very short while, then headed home, as it was well past my bedtime at that point. (Like 9:30 or something ridiculous.)
Friday I ended up at the newly remodeled Kennedy’s with Martin, Brice & Fahlstrom. Whew, rough crowd. The place was nice though, they did a good job on it. If you don’t remember, the original Kennedy’s burned down in the big Waldo fire a few years ago. I never was a very big fan of the original location, although it certainly had a following. The new building, while it doesn’t really fit into the “scheme” of the rest of the block, is very nice though. I think the new place will do a lot better, but who knows. Probably won’t make my regular “rotation”… That’s pretty much already set.
Saturday I went out to Munkir’s house and hung out all day. We cleaned all the camping gear from last weekend and got it all re-packed for next years trip, and put together of post-mortem of the event so we’ll know what areas to improve on. Actually I didn’t do any of that, I just wanted to throw Munkir’s name in since it was so grievously omitted last week. In reality, I didn’t do much of anything. Gabe and I ran a few errands; Picked up a new battery for the motorcycle and bought a few hop rhizomes for a gardening experiment. I fully expect I will fail miserably growing the hops; We don’t exactly have much luck with plants. What the heck though, sounded interesting.
Sunday was similarly uninteresting. Donette got home around noon, and promptly went to bed for the rest of the day. I headed down to the Brooksider and watched the Royals game with the boys, and that was about the extent of the day. Stupid rain, what can ya’ do. Oh and I suppose I can relate the latest Gabe escapade; While I was out watching the game he decided to do a little counter-surfing in the kitchen, and ate two whole sticks of butter and a container of Crisco. It was a longggg night at the Kenagy house. And, despite being the smartest puppy alive, I don’t think he was able to correlate his early misdeed with the resulting misery. Which means that, given the opportunity, he will probably just do it again.
You can grow your own hops??? Who knew??? Visualizing a large dog on your KITCHEN COUNTER eating butter and Crisco….not a pretty picture…..
Well you can plant them, I don’t know about GROWING them. They are actually supposed to grow like crazy if you can get them started, something like 25′ a year.
Like you’ve never eaten butter and crisco.
Heck I put butter on my fried crisco sandwiches.
Who keeps two sticks of butter and a can of Crisco on the counter top anyway? There is more to this story – that I know. However, I’m pretty sure I don’t want to know anymore than I already do.
Josh was at the game on Wednesday. He came home sunburned on his nose and arm. But he also got a 1st and 2nd degree burn on his ankle. Maybe you should of Tailgated with him and his friends then again maybe not.
Poor Gabe one of these days he will figure out what that kinda of food does to his stomach.
Hey Ronda, I think two sticks of butter and crisco will relieve the pain from the sunburn….