Well I’m still by myself in CA, excluding the dog of course. As you likely know, Doni’s dad passed away so she is helping out with things in KC. I’ll be joining her later this week, then I think she’s coming back with me next week. Whew, long time. In the meantime, I’ve not done whole lot. The weather has been pretty darn awesome so I’ve been riding my bike some and piddling around in the yard. And… Well… Uh…. That’s about it. Thank goodness for Royals baseball or I’d go to bed at 6:30 every night. I’ve had some bits of fun though; I took Teagan wine tasting once, threw a pork shoulder on the smoker and had people over, and I’ve been up to a friend’s house for tri-tip cooks a few times. I’m starting to think the tri-tip is a pretty ideal hunk of meat for having people over. Relatively easy to cook, doesn’t take long, and darn tasty. Here’s a few random pics. I expect I’ll get back to more riveting, regular updates in the near future.
- I had a dinosaur over for dinner the other night, and Teagan was quite scared of it, pretty funny. Why was there a dinosaur at dinner? Well that’s another story all together.
- Surely by the year 2016 somebody could invent a better was to open a bag of charcoal. I hate these stupid strings.
- The latest of many tri tips I’ve eaten in the last few weeks, on my friend Michael’s grill.
- A fine plate of nachos I cooked up the other day with leftover port shoulder.
- Teagan’s rather unladylike napping style
- Teagan enjoying the weather at Hart 2 Hart winery
- A huge hill I whooped the other day on my mountain bike. Actually I very nearly threw up, but you can’t tell that from the pic.
- Funny pic somebody posted on the neighborhood Facebook the other day as a “lost dog.” Uh, yeah pretty sure that’s a coyote lady, you might not want to get out and check his tags.