Spring Has Sprung

The long winter is finally over.  You heard it here first people.  I’ll be riding the scooter every day by next week.  And Float Trip is gonna be sunny and 70.  Ol’ Katie Horner ain’t got nuthin’ on me.

We had a bit of fun this weekend, interspersed with long stretches of downtime.  Friday started things off with a standard-issue happy hour at the Brooksider.  Not much to say about that.  We put in our requisite one hour of face time, then went and picked up a little take-out from Kin Lin, down by UMKC.  And that sorta did it for Friday.  We ate our dinner and took our places in front of our respective televisions to watch worthless TV.

Saturday I actually got up and went to the gym.  I’ve been slacking on my weekend gym trips something fierce;  Maybe I’m getting back in sync.  I hung out there for a while, then we took a short road-trip out to Gail’s Harley Davidson in Grandview.  They were giving away free neck gaitors, which I just so happen to need.  What a deal!!  I personally don’t have much use for Harley’s, but I’m all about free stuff.  We loitered around the store for a short while (pretty cool place actually) and then headed over to Bruce and Liz’s for their annual bowling party.  We made it for all of the pre-party at the house, the highlight of which was Bruce, Carl, and Martin’s take on “dualing guitars.”  They have all taken up the guitar for some unknown reason, and we were treated to a (thankfully) short recital.  After that auditory assault, everybody headed off to the bowling alley to test their skills.  We refrained from actual bowling participation though, preferring to just make fun of everyone else.

Sunday got off to a rough, rough start.  We woke up to find our 12 year old coffee pot had up and quit working.  What a piece of crap.  Donette raced down to Costco to get a replacement, but alas, the damage was done.  I was so thrown off my routine by that time that I just laid on the couch all afternoon.  (Actually that pretty much is my routine on Sundays anyway.)  We did have a little dinner party though.  The neighbor girls came over and joined us for some stacked enchiladas.  After dinner the girls huddled up to cackle and watch the Oscars;  I went and parked myself in front of the upstairs TV and watched Rob Zombie’s Halloween.  (Good movie, probably the best I’ve seen in my recent spate of movie-watching.)