Lame first weekend of the new year. Being an optimist, I’m not ready to call the entire year a failure just yet though. I think a good part of our weak start is due to some, errrrr, fiscal challenges brought on by the holidays. The 15th can’t get here fast enough, I know that. We had plenty of fun though I suppose. Friday we went to the Brooksider, mostly because that’s where we go on Friday. It was nice enough weather to get in an hour or so on the patio too, which was a welcome change. After that we walked down to Jalapenos for dinner, but when we walked in it was too crowded to even get in the door. We quickly scratched that plan and opted for Taco Bell, which, if nothing else, made me appreciate the food at Jalapenos a little more.
Saturday, our friend Don (A.K.A Big Don, A.K.A. BDB) came over and helped us deliver our recently replaced bed up north. (Gotta have those truck-friends.) Did I mention we finally got the king-size bed we’d always wanted? I’m too lazy to go back through this and look. At any rate, we did. Due to the rather unique layout of our staircase we had to settle on a boring bed frame, as there are very few that will make the turn on the stairs, but the mattress made it up with considerable coaxing. So, Don helped us load up the old one and haul it across the river. We took him out to Smokehouse for lunch to thank him, which was delicious. I’d never been to the one in Zona Rosa; Definitely a little fancier than the one over on North Oak. That concluded Saturday for the most part… Lots of TV and couch time after that.
Sunday started off with some light shopping. Donette is coming down with the crud, so she had to hit up Target for some stuff, and I walked Teagan over to Petsmart for our monthly pet supplies. The pup was out of food, and Kane’s litter box was due for a reload. I don’t know that I’ve ever bothered to throw a product endorsement out here, but our Scoopfree litter box may actually be the best thing ever invented in the history of mankind. Ever. Once a month you swap out the admittedly overpriced cartridge, and you literally don’t have to mess with it again for a month. Have you ever seen the movie Envy? Same thing. “Where does the #)$*% go?” Who cares, as long as I don’t have to deal with it. Enough of Kane’s personal hygiene needs, that was effectively our only outing of the day. I made a big pot of chicken soup, then settled in for an afternoon of wildcard games. After the games, I was so attached to the couch that I just stayed there and watched Cabin In The Woods, which was a somewhat unsettling movie.