So This Duck Walks Into A Bar…

Whew, I got nuthin’.  No good jokes, no recaps of a new place we went to dinner, no harrowing tales of the dog chasing the cat.  (OK I have lots of those, but how much can you get out of “The dog chased the cat.”)  Nope, it was an entirely uneventful evening.  Oh, I just remembered:  Last night was the ceremonious First Mowing of the Lawn!!!  How about THAT for excitement!!!  Yeah, boy.  I don’t think “ceremonious” would be my first choice of adjectives, but I’ll keep things clean.  I was about half-hoping the mower wouldn’t start and provide me a convenient excuse, but it fired up.  Sigh.  I would have to imagine things will go from here directly into the “twice-a-week” mode for the foreseeable future.  This might be the year I invest in a new mower for the cause, we’ll see.  I have considered just hiring the job out, but a little quick math seems to indicate I can get a pretty doggone nice mower for about the cost of 3 months with a lawn service.  After that chore, I took the dog for a walk and then Donette brought home some Kin Lin takeout for dinner.  Then I hauled my full bellies upstairs and watched Resident Evil: Afterlife, a remarkably engaging action flick.  Sorta made me want to rent the rest in the series.