So Much For Nice Weather

Whoa, it got hot. Like wicked, oppressively hot. It was bound to happen though, not like it’s a surprise. Hopefully it dips back down into double digits soon though, I’m not quite ready for all a/c, all day just yet.

I have no idea what we did last weekend. I really need to start taking notes. Could be related to my advanced age, or there is also a reasonable chance we just didn’t do anything. I do actually remember Sunday a little bit… We went up to Pollock Pines and attended a fund-raising spaghetti dinner. There was a bad accident up there a little over a year ago, and a few of the children involved still haven’t fully recovered. I like the whole small-town thing… It’s great that they are still putting on these events to help out. As a matter of fact, so many people showed up that they didn’t really have room for them all, so we kind of ate and took off. Pretty good spaghetti too, hope they had enough!