Whew, it was a crisp ride in on the ol’ scooter this morning. Dang near froze my ears off. Hey, nobody said it was easy being green I guess. And, it should pay off this afternoon when it’s 68 degrees and sunny; Perfect scooter weather. Let’s just hope it holds out all week, because I took the day off Thursday to go to the Royals game, and Friday I’ll be up in Kearney for the BBQ contest.
I think I’ll give that weekend around a C+, and that only due to my generally positive disposition. We started things off strong on Friday at the trusty Brooksider. It was a nice evening to sit out on the deck and hang out, and we maximized the opportunity. After that we went over to Carmens for a late dinner, which was delicious as always. We haven’t been there in a long time, which I think made the food even better. I don’t know why we waited so long between visits, but I imagine it has something to do with my rather frugal dining habits. I estimated the tab roughly equaled three weeks of chicken-finger dinners across the street at the Brooksider, or two weeks of relleno dinners at Jalapenos, or 1.5 years of Cheezit lunches out of the machine at work. Maybe I should have just enjoyed my linguine and not worried about it though.
Saturday the majority of the day was spent down at Operation Breakthrough, where some brainiac on the BBQ team had volunteered our services for the afternoon. I just don’t think I’m cut out for do-gooding, I dunno. I can’t even do any good around my own house, much less go help out some place else. I’ve got two foot high saplings growing out my gutters, my windows that were installed three years ago still haven’t been painted, and the basement leaks like a sieve. Yeah, I think I’ll go spend a day working on somebody elses place. Sigh. Anyway, our designated task was to move a small library from one end of the building to the other. As with any other task, it proved to be a lot harder than it initially appeared, exacerbated by the fact that the air conditioning was broken. The original estimate of three hours ended up turning into six, but for the most part we got the job some in some fashion. There was a bit of confusion on the actual book moving part… Apparently they were in some kind of order before we got ahold of them. “Alphabatized,” I think was the term they used? Whoops. Oh well, there were only 10,000 books, how long could that take to straighten back out?
Sunday, for the most part, was spent watching football on the TV. That proved to make for a pretty darn boring day though… I might just be done wasting my Sundays in that fashion. My fantasy team has already been decimated by injuries, the Chiefs are pathetic… What’s to watch. Maybe I’ll turn off the TV and paint the windows next week. Or, maybe I’ll just be bored again and then complain about it; Much more likely scenario. Between the afternoon and evening games we did walk Gabe down to Foo’s for a frozen custard break, but that was about the sole accomplishment for the day.
I can’t believe you didn’t re-tell the story of the operation breakthrough library move. Thats good reading I tell you.
I did the best I could… I think I’ve blocked it from my memory.