Seattle Trip

Wednesday is an odd day for an update, but I’ve been in recovery mode. We traveled to Seattle for a quick weekend trip, and I’m still worn out. (Doesn’t take much these days, really.) I had a great time there and didn’t want to just skip the update altogether though, so here is it.

We took off on the trip Friday, and after a short flight and getting settled into our apartment we still had time to find some dinner. The first place that jumped out at us was a nearby Capitol Grille. We haven’t been there since moving from KC, and sure have missed it. Our friends here gave us grief for going to a “chain” while on vacation, but then they’ve never been to one. Uh yeah, it ain’t exactly Taco Bell. We had our sights set on the calamari, as it’s one of our favorites, but when we saw the Wagyu & Wine special, we couldn’t pass it up. It was fantastic, don’t get me wrong, but it was way more food than I was expecting. It effectively ended our evening; we were too stuffed. It had been a long day traveling anyway, so we turned in.

Saturday, we went on a walking “Seafood Tour” down in the famous City Markey district. This turned out to be a great time, highly recommended. It was very interesting, and we sampled lots of different seafood. (And, bonus, the best clam chowder I’ve ever had.) We tried smoked salmon, a few different pokes, oysters, shrimp, scallops, cod… I’m sure I am missing a few but those come to mind at the moment. All in all, a big success. After that tour, we decided to take a walk down to the ballpark and catch a Mariners game. Tickets were reasonable, and there were plenty available last minute. It was about a mile walk, but we made a few stops along the way, so it wasn’t too bad. It was a little rainy, so we put lots of work into finding seats under an overhang, only to get there and find it is a covered stadium. Oh well, better safe than wet. Very nice stadium. Good fans, good game, and they even pulled out a win. (Not that we had much interest if they won or not, but it did make it more exciting.)

Sunday, it was time to go back home, but we still had time to walk back to the Piers for a boat tour. On the way, we stopped at a place called Ludi’s for some breakfast. We passed it on one of our walks the day before, and they had a line out the door. Must be good, we’ll try it! Indeed, it was fantastic. Sort of a little cafe, and the owner was super nice. (All of the employees were, as a matter of fact.) We noticed several people getting their picture taken with the owner, so we did a little searching and found an article on the place. He stopped by our table and talked for a while, very interesting guy with interesting history. Actually, between his rather strong Filipino accent and my marginal hearing, I didn’t catch it all, but I got the gist. After breakfast we went on the quick one-hour boat tour and got a few more good history bits, then it was time to get back home. Great trip!

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