Rested And Ready

Whew, took a few weeks off from updates there, save my rather lame attempt at vacation photo updates below.  We’re just coming off a nice (if a bit short) vacation, so I’m all rested up and ready for action now.  (Should be burned out again by about noon.)

So, our trip was the reschedule of our ill-fated Spring Break trip, which we missed out on due to some logistical snafus.  We flew to West Palm Beach, Fla last Saturday, spent the night, then got on a cruise ship Sunday afternoon.  It was sort of a “cruise-lite,” which is to say we just sailed overnight to the Bahamas and then got off the boat and spent a few nights on the island.  We selected this trip to kind of get a feel for cruises, which neither of us have ever been too excited about.  I think we both agreed the verdict was “good trip but check cruises off the list of things to do.”  On the positive side, the food really was very good on the boat;  Better than on the island as a matter of fact.  (With the exception of one delicious, if a bit pricey, evening.)  And, I have to admit I sort of enjoyed the shows, which surprised me.  On the downside I couldn’t sleep for anything with all the pitching around, and the cabins, while comfortable enough, were a bit cramped.  As for the island…   Well, let’s just say we didn’t get mixed up and think we were on one of our Hawaii trips.  The ocean was very rough and stirred up so we didn’t get to do any snorkeling, which is my favorite beach pastime.  And, while the resort was quite nice, suffice to say you didn’t want to wander too far off the grounds.  While probably safe enough, there just wasn’t anything to go to.  And, judging from our trip to and from the boat, that wasn’t limited to the area we were staying in either.  All that said, the locals were very nice, the beaches were beautiful, and the costs seemed reasonable.  I just think maybe we prefer Mexico, or ideally Hawaii.

We got back to our house Thursday night.  While it might sound like I didn’t have the best time ever from the comments above, I was actually quite rested and feeling pretty good.  So much so that I ended up cancelling my day off Friday and heading on into work.  That paid off quite nicely;  It was a decent day at work and then I went right into the weekend fun.  As far as the weekend I quickly fell right back into the same ol’ rut;  Baseball games at the Brooksider and some tasty meals.  Saturday (late) morning we headed down to Eggct for some food, but it was far too crowded.  We opted instead for Spin Pizza, which for whatever reason we’ve never been to.  It worked out great, we had an awesome lunch.  Definitely be working that one into the regular rotation.  After that meal, and a subsequent afternoon on the patio of the ‘Sider, we headed down to Manny’s, which remarkably I’ve never been to either.  We were on a roll picking food that day, it was awesome too.  I had a relleno burrito, which might be one of my favorite meals to order when I see it.  It was a beaut too;  Top notch.  Sunday we tried Eggct again, with much more success.  Had a tasty omelet, then spent my afternoon doing chores that had built up while we were gone.  After that, we had dinner at good ol’ Jalapenos, which is a common enough occurrence that it doesn’t bear comment.