That was a nice, relaxing weekend. That’s short for “I didn’t get anything done that I was supposed to.” Hey, it happens. I saw lots of good movies. Maybe “good” is a stretch.
We started off strong on Friday… Perhaps a little too strong. Coulda burned ourselves out early for the rest of the weekend. All Doni’s co-workers came over (and Ed) and we held a little Corn Hole tourney. (Tip: Use that link and that link only to find information on the game of “cornhole.” Do not stray from the recommended site. That’s all I’m saying on the subject. Hopefully I still have a job tomorrow after a few guesses at finding the official site went horribly wrong.) Anyway… This is some kind of Ohio equivalent of “washers” I guess. Once we convinced Gabe that it wasn’t some new type of “fetch” game we had a good time of it.
Saturday found Doni in poor health. Run down from work, or the night before, or heat, or diet… Who knows. At any rate, she pretty much hunkered down all day. Gabe and I went to his final session at Puppy School, where he graduated Magna Cum Laude. He really does quite spectacular while he is at class; Unfortunately it doesn’t always carry over to when he’s not in class. I think the little bugger has associated obeying commands to when he is in that one particular building. At any rate, we might sign up for another class, but haven’t decided which one yet. After school, I went to a birthday party for a guy on my Fantasy Football Team for a few hours, then out to Mom’s for dinner. Both sisters were there with the entire complement of nieces and nephews, so I got to see everybody in one fell swoop. Plus, we had an awesome dinner; baby back ribs, fresh corn-on-the-cob, ‘tater salad, baked beans… Good stuff man. In other epicurean news, her neighbor gave me about 3 pounds of garlic that he grew in his garden. I hauled that home, minced some up, and whipped it up with some basil that’s growing in the back yard. It made a fine little pesto that we put on some grilled Mahi Mahi Sunday night, but I overdid it on the garlic a bit. I am suffering, as is everyone else in the general vicinity.
Sunday, aside from the aforementioned Mahi Mahi, about the only event of note was going out to lunch with the previously-feared-missing Mr. and Mrs. Munkirs. We hit “On The Border” for some noontime grub. Also of note, we were there about an hour and I don’t think the subject of Float Trip ever came up… Odd. After that, I thought about fixing the weedeater, thought about fixing the electrical outlet in the kitchen, thought about going to the gym, thought about re-doing the web site, and thought about installing my new anti-virus program. As an alternative to all these less-than-attractive options, I sat on the couch and watched movies all day. What can ya’ do.
** Oh yeah, by the way, Ed put up some pictures from our Smithville trip last weekend.