Big news on the work front; It’s QUALITY WEEK!! One week a year there is a week dedicated as “Quality Week.” We have cookies and stuff, and presentations, and speeches and what-not. It doesn’t hold a lot of personal significance, as I make it a point to strive for quality each and every day regardless of the date. (Although only in the workplace.) But, the reason I anticipate it every year is that we get all-you-can-eat popcorn. That’s right, they park a popcorn machine smack dab in the front lobby and it gets popped just as fast as I can chow it down. Ahhhh, bliss. I was quite concerned, actually; At first glance I thought it was going to be LAST week and I was going to miss out while in Cabo. You can, I’m sure, imagine my dismay. Likewise, imagine the height of my joy when I walked in the front door Monday and smelled that hot, buttery nirvana wafting through the air. And to think, sandwiched right in between my Mexico trip and Float Trip. I am truly a blessed young man. I’m thinking about filling a trash bag with it and taking it to Float Trip…