We ventured ever so slightly out of our standard circle this weekend, just to mix things up a bit. Not Friday though; Friday we just sat on the back patio with the neighbors and enjoyed the sun. Quiet, but fun. Not Saturday either… Saturday we didn’t do much of anything. I fired up a batch of homebrew, which between getting everything ready and cleaning up afterwards can take the better part of a day.
Sunday, though, we actually left the house. We met some friends early-ish for a tasty breakfast, then headed to Placer County to check out their “wine trail.” We mixed in some crafty sort of stops along the way, for the sake of variety. I think we ended up checking out three wineries in all, although the names escape me already. Since we’d made the trip anyway, we stopped in Knee Deep Brewing too and played a few rounds of cornhole. That pretty well killed the day, so we met up with a bunch more people at a Mexican restaurant, scarfed some dinner, and called it a day. A more thorough blogger would add a stop-by-stop synopsis of the day, with details on the tastings at each winery. I ain’t got it in me. Maybe next time I’ll take notes or something.