Phil Held Hostage, Day 4

Well, as you can see, I’ve switched back to WordPress for my “Current Events.” Turned out my problems were the result of my webserver package, thttpd, not the blogger software. So, I after a brief attempt at Apache, I settled on lighttpd, and all appears to be well. Whew.

Friday was the first day of Brookside Art Fair, so we were virtual prisoners in our home all weekend. I suppose the fair is a good thing, but it pretty much shuts down the entire area. No place to park, too many people, and too much artsy stuff. So, denied access to our usual haunts, we decided to host happy hour at our house. And, since it was Cinco de Mayo, we thought we’d throw that in for a theme too. So, we cooked up some pork and chicken for burritos, got a bunch of chips and dip, and called it a fiesta. We had a good time of it, I posted some pictures Doni took here. The weather was a bit uncooperative, but we made do. What’s up with the cold weather anyway??? Crazy.

Saturday was spent for the most part fiddling with my webserver. I had planned on taking Gabe for a little jaunt down to the art fair, but given the recent unfortunate incidents in Methdependence I thought I’d better just keep a low profile. So, instead I borrowed the neighbors dog and took them to the park at Wayside Waifs. Predictably, there was nobody there so the boys had the whole place to themselves. I don’t know why nobody uses that park but it works out well for me. Later in the afternoon I headed down to the Brooksider and watched the Derby with the usual crowd. I stayed out a lot later than I intended, so I must have been having fun.

Sunday Doni got up early and left for one of her many business trips. Left to fend for ourselves, Gabe and I sort of just shut down. The poor pup must have been worn out from his big day Saturday, because he didn’t get out of bed until 2:00. Meanwhile I just sat at my computer all day, didn’t even bother getting dressed until well after noon. I was having a problem with the password protected area of my site, and I finally had to go international for assistance. I hit up Johan for help and he gave me enough hints to get things going pretty quickly. Later in the afternoon Todd came over and plopped down on my couch, despite my repeated assertions that I had no entertainment, no food, and no game. So he sat there watching bad TV all evening, which meant not only could I not go to Brookside because of the Art Fair, I couldn’t even watch TV in my own house. I spent the remainder of the day sitting at the computer… Todd must have left at some point because when I went down to watch the 10:00 news the TV was free again.