Partial Effort

I better make some kind of attempt at posting something I guess, although I’m still a bit put out with my Internet provider.  Apparently the mysterious people who lived in my brand new house before me called up and disconnected my service.  Sigh.  We were out for darn near a week before they finally came back out and hooked it up again.  (And acted like they were doing us a favor at that.)  The guy that came out and installed it was pretty helpful, the entire rest of the company I had the displeasure of working with were beyond pathetic.  Something tells me the whole episode isn’t quite finished yet either, I’m taking a “wait and see” stance on it.

So, Uverse aside, things have been going OK at the new house.  As of Friday, we are officially OUT of the rental house.  Geez I didn’t think we were ever going to get all our stuff moved.  I took the day off, rented a van from Uhaul, and got it over with.  My best guess in the morning was two trips at the most, and best case I was going to get it all in one trip.  Four full loads later, (and one trip to the Thrift store to give them some stuff,) the house was finally empty.  The BAD news is we don’t have anywhere to put it all.  It’s just kind of randomly piled in the dining room and garage right now, like an episode of Hoarders.  It is a sad thing when you’ve got a three-car garage and can’t put your one car in it because it’s too full of junk.  Ahhh, for a basement.  Meanwhile, the back yard project slowly continues.  A little TOO slowly for my tastes, but as long as it’s making progress I guess.  There was a guy delivering a truckload of plants when I left the house this morning, so maybe I’ll have trees when I get home.

How ’bout them Royals?  We are more than excited for the series.  Donette is a bit put out with me for not buying tickets to see a game in San Francisco, but I just can’t pull trigger.  Too rich for my blood!  We’ve got a nice new TV to watch it on, that’ll just have to do.  Got a few bets at the office on the outcome too, maybe I’ll win enough to cover the price of the tickets.  (Oh wait, none of the bets are for money…  Never mind.)