Yes my update is 1.5 days late. I started on one last night, and quickly came to the startling realization that nothing exciting had happened to me. And, believe it or not, the last 24 hours has not changed that fact. I was oncall all weekend, and will be for the remainder of this week. Kind of limited my entertainment options, as well as my mobility range. Prevailing wisdom is that if you go over 15 minutes from the nearest Internet access, you WILL get paged. It’s a known fact.
Seriously, I didn’t do anything last weekend. Basked in the glow of a 14″ LCD laptop screen and kept an eye on things. Meanwhile, Donette was in Albuquerque with some friends for the hot air balloon festival. What a scam. Somebody has to stay home and watch the dogs I guess. In my sole effort at social interaction for the weekend, Todd came over and visited Sunday night. He claimed to be worried about my mental health; Something about the post-traumatic stress of my less-than-favorable performance at the American Royal. He brought over a few good stogies and we sat on the back porch in the rain and listened to Johnny Cash. Not exactly a real pick-me-up, but well intentioned I’m sure.
Today I got a new toy, so I can throw that in the mix too. One of the benefits of a late update, see? One of my co-workers hooked me up with a 32″ LCD TV, so we finally have a replacement for the 300 lb. boat anchor up in the “office.” AND it has a “PC monitor” mode, so I ran a 8′ VGA cable across the floor and I am currently typing this in 32″ widescreen mode. I am so cool I can hardly stand it sometimes.
Hiya, honey! Long time no anything, eh? But the more things change, the more they stay the same–still with the toys, still with the smoking of meat. I’m sorry to hear of your, eh hem, unsatisfactory experience, but take heart. You have inspired many who would otherwise never attempted to venture into the murky realms of bbq. Well, okay, I don’t know about the “many” part, but heck, we bought a smoker, and have produced some highly edible offerings–all thanks to YOU. Tell Doni hi . . .
Why, as I live and breathe, it’s the long-lost Neal clan!!! You are hired for brisket next year… start preparing.