New Years Resolution Fail

Hey look at that, I made it all the way into the second week of the new year and I’m already late on my updates.  Tsk.  Far worse things have happened I’m sure.  I’ve been busy, what can I say.  OK not really.  I’ve been lazy, that might be more accurate.  Besides that we haven’t done anything of note.  Friday I continued my schedule of hitting Hop House after work.  Fun place, I rather fancy it.  After a few hours there, I decided to call it a day and head home for another night of TV.  I rather quickly decided this was a horribly boring way to spend a Friday night, so I headed over to a buddy’s house to watch TV there instead.  Misery loves company, or something like that.  I ended up sitting on the couch reading Chu’s Day repeatedly to his 1-year-old.  Pretty exciting story really, although it starts to lose a little something after about the 30th time through.  For me anyway, she seemed to still be enjoying it.  I do like the description on that Harper Collins site though.  “A story that reflects…”  Really?  It’s got like six pages.  I don’t think 1-year-olds even do a lot of reflecting.  What do I know though, maybe they do.

Saturday we went over to a friend’s house and watched the football games.  Truth be told, it was the same friends I visited Friday night too.  We’ve only got two friends, and one is out of town, so that kind of narrows down the scope of our social outings.  The football games were pretty entertaining as I recall.  At least I managed to stay awake, which is an accomplishment.  Afterwards they fixed a great batch of pasta with blackened chicken.  A day of entertainment AND dinner, can’t beat that.

Sunday we stayed home, not wanting to wear out our welcome.  The weather was particularly nice out so I turned on the TV on the back patio and watched the games out there.  Man, I can’t wait until Spring, it’s fun just sitting out there watching the tube.  I’m not sure why it’s any more fun than sitting inside, but it is.  I put together the last of the patio furniture while I was watching football, and Doni gave the back yard it’s inaugural mowing.  The mower hasn’t been started since we moved to California, and it put up a pretty good fight.  Might be time to replace that thing, I’ve gotten my $100 out of it for sure.  The stupid pull rope finally broke on about the 5,000th yank.  Remarkably, it actually started on the very same pull, so at least we got the yard cut.