New Digs

Fine weekend indeed.  The Martins flew in Friday night and we spent the weekend catching up with them.  Not a whole lot of catching up to be done, as we just saw them two weeks ago.  We had a good time though, always nice to have visitors.  The weather cooperated too, and we were able to get in a copious amount of patio time.

Saturday the flow of the afternoon was interrupted a bit when we had to meet with our Realtor and finalize the purchase of a house.  Remarkably, after last week’s little setback, things came together and we ended up with a better deal than the original, at least in my mind.  It’s the same exact house we wanted, but I like the lot much better.  It’s right by the entrance to the subdivision, and closer to the clubhouse pool;  Definitely a short walk, no drive required.  The lot is quite a bit larger too, and the best part is (for Teagan and her loathing of dogs on the other side of fences) we will only have one neighbor.  The only bad thing I can come up with at all is that we got stuck with the fire hydrant.  Eh, no big deal.  We lucked into this spot because the construction trailer is currently sitting on the lot, and they didn’t want to sell it because people will be hounding them to hurry up and get started.  Hey, another bonus for us, as we’re in a lease until later this Fall, take all the time you want!  We headed home and celebrated our purchase with a grilled tri-tip roast.  It came out much better than my last try, I’m getting the hang of them.  (Sorry Aushermans, you got shorted.)

Our new trailer

Our new trailer

Sunday we took the Martins out for short tour of a few nearby wineries.  The weather started a bit on the unpleasant side (relatively speaking) but it warmed up quickly and the clouds burned off.  We kept the tour short;  Just went to Too Good and Belle Piazza.  After that it was back to the house to sit on the patio, where Donette treated us to a fine dinner of Rotel dip.  We had a grand time;  Who’s coming next?

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