I have a day off again, whoopie. No such thing as too many days off. How I shall spend it remains to be seen. I haven’t ruled out heading to the Brooksider and watching the basketball games this afternoon. Anybody in for that? Anyone, anyone?
That was a reasonably entertaining weekend; Much more so than I had anticipated, that’s for sure. Given our lingering fiscal crisis I had fully expected to spend my time sitting in front of the TV. Donette’s nephew Jeremy was in town though, so we met him down at the Brooksider Friday night. And I do mean Friday “night“; We didn’t even head down there until <gasp> 6:30. Stayed pretty late for us too. Matter of fact it was so late that after we left we couldn’t find any dinner, everywhere was closed. So, we headed back home and dug through the cabinets. The pantry is pretty bare, as we still haven’t re-stocked from our recent vacation, but we did manage to find a dusty can of Skyline Chili in the back of a cabinet. Yummy.
Saturday Martin gave me a call, apparently suffering from the winter boredom syndrome as much as myself. He suggested spending the day stirring a pot of gumbo, which sounded as good as anything else I had planned. So, I trekked up to the Northlands, and that indeed is how we spent our day. I took my propane cooker up there and we set up in the garage, which was tolerably warm. As for the gumbo, it came out pretty well. At least I guess it did, I left it all there. It was too hot and too huge to deal with that night so we decided to just portion it out later. It had taken on a life of it’s own by the time we finished randomly adding stuff. I’m estimating the final amount at 5 gallons. I have no idea what the two of us are going to do with that much gumbo but we’ll figure something out.
Sunday I headed up to Mom’s for some “chores.” Sheesh, I ran through two week’s worth of gasoline between the North & South trips this weekend. I will admit I haven’t been that direction in a while though, guess I was due. She had all kinds of difficult home maintenance items lined up waiting for me, like changing the light bulb in the kitchen. Oh, sure, that sounds funny until I mention it took me three times before I got it right. It was a special light bulb, see. My handy-man skills are kind of “special” too, that might have contributed to the difficulties. I stayed up there for a few hours, then headed back home and watched the 3:30 football game. I wasn’t particularly interested in the outcome, but it provided a means to kill the rest of the afternoon. For my evening diversion I watched “Murder in the First“, which wasn’t too bad. Can’t go wrong with Kevin Bacon, as a rule.
Edit – Spent my morning trying to figure out my video editing software, with moderate success. Now I need to figure out how to get it on here.
We also had Skyline at some point this weekend. The days all seem to blend together.
That may have been our last can; Time to make a run!
I can’t get the video to play. Do you have a direct link?