MORE driving

Dang I worked too much this weekend.  That’s always a bad thing, it gets me all disoriented on Monday.  I’ll spend all week thinking it’s Friday.

Friday we again had a semi-date-night.  It was a stay-at-home thing though, it takes too much energy to go out on Fridays.  I fired up the grill and did some salmon steaks, and a nice little medley of potatoes, peppers, garlic and onion.  It came out pretty well; The fish was a bit oily, perhaps due to the liberal dousing of olive oil.  Tasted darn good though.  After dinner we watched “The 40 Year-Old Virgin.”  Not too bad of a movie, but a bit long.  Good grief, who ever heard of a 133 minute comedy?  My attention span goes 90 minutes tops, so I was pretty distracted by the end of the flick.  I found the similarities to Todd rather unsettling also.

Saturday was, of course, parade day.  We didn’t make it to Snake Saturday Parade this year though, we decided to focus on the Brookside event.  I had planned to take Gabe, but Doni didn’t think that a very good idea.  Turned out to be a good choice; it was a lot more crowded than I expected.  Nice weather brings everybody out, I guess.  We scored an awesome table on the Brooksider deck, and watched the whole event from there.  After the parade, we headed to Lee’s Summit for Brett F’s 40th birthday celebration.  Man, ANOTHER 40th party.  I really need to quit hanging out with all these old people, it’s making me feel older.  Matter of fact, I think I actually did age about 5 years just due to the friggin’ drive out there.  From our house to Lakewood must be the longest 20 miles in the entire city.  And, you would think with the prices of the homes out there they would be able to afford legible street signs.  We finally got there though, safe and sound.  I had to work at 10:00 though, so we didn’t stay too long.

Sunday afternoon was pretty much a waste.  I had a little work event that drug into the early afternoon, and by then the storms were all over the place.  Every time I would step outside to do something, it started raining.  So, I pretty much played games on the computer and worked on my message board for a few minutes.  Incidentally, the messages are now limited to 300 characters.  I can’t imagine anyone I know having anything longer than that to say.  This latest change is due to the never-ending battle against the stupid message-board spammers.  What an annoyance.  I changed the page name a while back and that seemed to work, but then it started up again.  So then I started blocking ip’s, but now they are coming from a different address every time.  The thing they all seem to have in common is that they are very, very long though, mostly made up of a bunch of html crap that redirects your browser to stupid search sites.  So, when I found the latest posting for “Shaved German Teens” I decided it was time for yet another technique.  We’ll see how long this one lasts.  Anyway… After a generally uneventful day, Todd and Susan came over for a spaghetti dinner, followed by the kickoff of Sopranos, season six.  Gosh, will the excitement ever stop at the Kenagy house.