Monday Update

I believe I’ll post an update on Monday, just for the sake of nostalgia.  Likely brief though, our weekend was rained out.  I’m growing a bit weary of hearing “We need the rain.”  Enough is enough.  The whole area is under water.  It seems to have gone from one extreme to the other.  Oh well, this week’s forecast looks moderately more promising.

Seriously, it rained so much we didn’t really do much.  Saturday we worked in the garage, and I washed my bicycles.  Whoa, slow down Kenagys, getting kind of wacky.  Oh well, it passed the time.  For evening entertainment we headed over to the clubhouse for a wine tasting.  That was firmly in the “better than sitting at home, but just barely” category.  We wisely brought a few friends with us so we wouldn’t have to meet any new ones.  Clever.  After that we headed back to our house for a good round of cards.

Sunday brought more rain.  Steady, maddening rain, and sort of cold to boot.  I fired up a Gunsmoke marathon, and was pretty content to just sit on the couch all day, but I started getting a bit antsy after four or five episodes.  We ended up meeting some friends in the Old Folsom area, and kicked around there all day.  And that was pretty much our weekend.  Better luck next time.