Monday Funday

Glad that’s over.  Now there’s a phrase you don’t hear every Monday morning;  Unless you were oncall over the weekend.  Ehhh, it wasn’t bad though, I squeezed in my share of entertainment.  I kicked things off Friday afternoon down at the Brooksider.  I had fully intended to just ride the bus straight home and settle in for some movies, but when I stepped out into the 50-degree weather I figured I had better take advantage of the situation.  I procured a nice cigar and proceeded to spend a few hours on the patio with the boys.  After that we decided to head out for a little dinner.  Our first choice was Chelly’s, which we don’t go to very often but always enjoy when we do.  When we stepped in the front door and found a wait for a table we bailed out though.  Second choice, on a snap decision, was the new Papa Rico’s restaurant across the street.  It’s been through several different restaurants over the last several years;  It seems to be one of those buildings that just don’t do well no matter what they put in it.  My dinner was pretty good, I think I liked mine better than Donette did hers.  I think the thing that threw us off most was their oddly liberal use of chili powder.  Everything was just doused in it.  You could smell it when the plates hit the table.  At any rate it was good food, we’ll give it another try.  We’ll most likely try their breakfast next time though;  I don’t think the dinner was good enough to unseat any of our “regular” spots.

Saturday we passed the afternoon without any notable excitement, then decided to go out on a “date night” for the evening.  We decided on the movies, which is certainly a rare occasion, as we can almost never find a movie that we agree on.  As it happened though, I wanted to see “True Grit,” and she is on a mission to see all the movies that are Oscar nominated, so we picked that one.  We found a 7:00 showing down at the Main Street AMC, and took a limo (a.k.a. city bus) down there around 6:00.  That gave us plenty of time to get settled in, grab a bite to eat, and get ready for the show.  Good movie, all in all.  I watched the original earlier in the day so I’d have a fresh comparison in my mind, and I can’t go so far as to agree with all the assessments that the new one is better.  It was entertaining though, and I always enjoy that theater if nothing else.

Sunday, well, let’s just pretend it never happened.  Which, in a sense, it never did.  I couldn’t quite get into first gear.  I suppose I never should have turned on the TV, that’s always a bad decision.  But I did, and ended up watching back-to-back-to-back terrible movies all day long, intermingled with news and uninteresting sporting events.  I was moderately looking forward to the Pro Bowl, as I wanted to see all the Chiefs players in it.  As it turned out, even the worst low-budget crappy movie available on Netflix provided more entertainment than that game.  I didn’t even make it through ten minutes, it was just too boring to watch.