Merry Friday

Well we are already into the issue of not having anything to put in here, but I’ll make a cursory update anyway just because I’m on a roll.  I could, of course, delve into all the exciting plans we have for the upcoming weekend, but then I wouldn’t have anything to type about on Monday.  Additionally, said plans don’t really exist at all, so that would make it even harder.

I suppose I could cover dinner, that’s always worth a mention.  Donette has been on a rather hard-core diet lately, and as such sometimes we end up with totally different dinner plates.  Case in point, last evening.  She made spaghetti for herself, except it was actually tofu noodles instead of pasta.  I was skeptical enough that I opted out and microwaved some leftover gumbo for myself.  I tried hers though, and actually it wasn’t bad at all.  Given a choice between the whole-wheat pasta she makes now and then or the tofu noodles, I would without a doubt choose the tofu every time.  While I have grudgingly accepted the whole-wheat bread and bagels we’ve switched to, I can’t do the pasta or tortillas.