Well I was out of town all weekend so I don’t really have much to say. Had to go to Birmingham Alabammy and work. Remind me to scratch that city off the “Places I Would Like to Move” list. I guess it was OK… The drivers are considerably worse than here, and the weather was entirely intolerable. Reminded me of the Fort Worth weather; Sorta armpit-ish. Drawls (worse than mine) irritate me too. I honestly couldn’t decide if the locals needed to talk a bit slower or a lot faster, but something was very wrong with the dialect. On top of these indignities, I had to work all Saturday night.
I guess I can make a weak attempt at summing up the weekend anyway. I left Friday morning on an early flight. I walked out to my car around 6:30 to discover that I’d left my windows down all night during those big thunderstorms. NOT a good scene. Water standing in the floorboards, seats sopping wet; It was about as bad as it could get. Since I had to get to the airport, all I could do was throw some towels on the seat and go. Then I had to leave the car out in the sun all weekend with the windows up, so now it smells like a load of sour laundry. Might just sell it and get a moped, I haven’t decided exactly what to do yet. The only other event of note was an unfortunate digestive malady that afflicted me during the entire trip, and you do NOT want to hear about that. I blame this situation on some particularly rare lambchops I fixed last week, but who knows. Things were kind of touch and go when I left town, and I thought all was well when I got there. This proved not to be the case after a big rib dinner at a place called Jim ‘N Nick’s. The ribs were delicious, but the resulting discomfort was so horrific that I fasted for the remainder of the weekend. Haven’t eaten much since; I’m a little scared. Given that the main focus of my trips is eating, this was truly a disappointment. Oh well, something tells me I’ll be back in ‘Bammy before too long, I’ll try again next time.