Los Días de Actividades

This is a short vacation status update, before we hop in the Fiat and hit the road again.  We are currently in Sevilla, Spain, where we’ve spent the last two days.  We started off in Madrid, then hit Toledo and Cordoba before ending up here.  Thank goodness for the Garmin.  We’ve logged many miles on my poor tootsies… The car ride today actually sounds inviting.  Yesterday was particularly event-filled:  We left the hotel around 11:00 and spent the day walking around looking at several historic buildings, with requisite breaks for tapas and drinks.  Then, around 7:00 we went and took in the bullfights,  and after THAT a Flamenco show.  Whew.  We stayed out way past my bedtime, which has been the case every evening I suppose.

Today we are most likely heading to Portugal, the Fiat and the GPS willing.  I am ready for some beach time.

2 thoughts on “Los Días de Actividades

  1. It’s been nice to keep up-dated with your web page! Did you go to Barcelona at all? Sure sorry I haven’t been home anytime when you called, but thanks for leaving a message!! How was the bullfight? Sounds downright bloody to me!

  2. Yeah it was a bit gory…

    We are in NYC now, this is the first time I’ve been able to get to my website in a week. I guess I blocked most of Europe; Whoops.

    We didn’t get to Barcelona, we went to Portugal instead, which was very nice. Had to sit on the beach for a while!

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