Lockdown Mode

So this week I really have nothing to go on.  My weekend of absolutely nothing started last Wednesday, when Donette left to work at her office in Chicago.  I was sort of tied up at work and didn’t have the roughly two hours required to run her to the airport, so we decided she’d just take the car and I’d ride the ‘scoot.  Well, as (my) luck would have it, the scooter battery picked that day to totally give up the ghost.  And the battery in the motorcycle has been dead for some time, another thing I haven’t gotten around to replacing.  So, I’ve been effectively stuck at the house since last Wednesday.  I had to ride my bicycle in to work everyday, like a 12 year-old kid.  (In all fairness, I usually ride in anyway, so that wasn’t much of a change.  It’s only 1.5 miles.)  It was sort of a drag though, I was going a little stir-crazy.  Not bored enough to actually ride my bicycle somewhere fun though, so it must not have been that bad.  (Or get around to ordering a battery for the scooter…  Can’t really explain what the holdup there was.)  She got back home in the wee hours of the morning today, hopefully she’s planning to take me out on a date tonight.