Last Update, Signing Off

Well, no I’m not. After a strong start to the year (pretty close to a New Year Resolution for me,) I fell right back into my slacking ways. My domain name ( is about to expire too, adding a little insult to injury. I am quite tempted to just not renew it and let it die a dignified death, but I just can’t bring myself to do it. It has a few other purposes besides this silly blog, and I really don’t want to rearrange all that stuff. And, every now and then, I feel like typing something up, so here I am. I like to keep my options open.

That was a busy weekend, as our weekends go anyway. We’ve been on a budget crack-down, which has been pretty easy considering the weather has been too miserable to leave the house. The rain and cold finally cleared up Friday though, so I went down and met some friends at Moonraker to enjoy an afternoon on their huge outdoor space. Had a nice relaxing afternoon, the sun was quite welcome. After that I headed home for our obligatory Valentine’s dinner. Neither of us are too into that particular holiday, but it did give me an excuse to pick up a nice steak from Kings. I have to say, it was one of my better efforts on a steak lately. I threw it in the sous vide at 129 degrees for about three hours, then finished it in a scorching skillet with butter. Threw a few potatoes in the air fryer, and it made for a tasty dinner.

Saturday, we got a quite unexpected text that some friends that live down in the ‘burbs were headed up our way to try out the new Burning Barrel location. It was really a shocking surprise, as they have not left the El Dorado Hills zip code since early 2011. We sure couldn’t pass up that opportunity to see them, so we took the short drive over to big downtown Placerville and hung out for a bit. We like the new place, with the exception that it is just painfully loud. They’re supposed to be installing some sound damping ceiling tiles, and I sure wish they’d hurry up with it. The noise level is just punishing, it is always hard to hear anybody talking. It seems like everybody is yelling, but I think it’s just a loud building. We had to bail after a short time in the interests of sanity, so we went around the corner to Cappelli Wine and sipped a glass in the peace and quiet. Whew.

Sunday, in the absence of football, we met some friends in Diamond Springs for a quick lunch at Solid Ground. That was one of my regular hangouts, but it got axed lately as part of our new fiscal responsibility program. It was good to visit again, I like it. Not quite patio weather that day, but the inside was tolerable and we enjoyed their semi-famous chicken sandwich for lunch. After that, we headed back to the house, and a couple came over and made us a delicious dinner. Can’t beat that, a fancy dinner without leaving the house, and we didn’t even have to cook it! We played several games of pool, then he whipped up some awesome dan dan noodles. Wow, was it great. I love me some noodle bowls, and this was top notch. The actual recipe isn’t really that complicated, but there were several rather exotic ingredients that I don’t have in my pantry for sure. Maybe I need to go hunt them down though, because I want to make it myself. It really ended our weekend on a high note.

6 thoughts on “Last Update, Signing Off

  1. Not to brag, but I’ve got you by 5 years on domain registrations. Pretty impressive, I think.

    Heck, if you want *really* impressive (or perhaps really dumb), my main Yahoo! email address will be 30 years old next year. Now that’s just plain insane.

    • Haha, yeah it is! Makes me wonder how old my hotmail is, I’ll have to look into that. I’ve got a free, but that just doesn’t roll off the tongue very well…

    • 😂 Well it sure was delicious! I’ve tracked down a few recipes so I can try it myself. Not sure if I want to drive down to Folsom and see if I can find some of the ingredients, or just order them online. I sort of doubt the little grocery up the street from us has fermented mustard greens, although I guess I haven’t checked.

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