Lame Weekend

Given the brevity of last week’s update, I really feel obligated to post a veritable novel this week.  But the problem is, I really didn’t do anything all weekend so I’ve got no subject matter.  The only thing I’ve got to work with is my fantasy football draft Saturday night and the dog having an accident in the house Sunday night.  Pretty slim pickings there.  I’ll do what I can with what I have…  That’s all you can ask of me.

I suppose we did go out Friday night, but nothing of note really occurred.  Just went down to the Brooksider and enjoyed the stellar weather.  At some point Todd got restless and moved the crowd to Bobby Bakers…  Mistake.  We traded in a comfortable table outside in the fresh air for a cramped booth in a crowded room with intolerable air quality.  Next time I’ll take a pass on that place.

Saturday, despite my best intentions, I didn’t do anything.  We went to Costco for a little shop-a-thon, and had lunch down in Westport, but that’s about the whole of it.  I spent a good amount of time putting together info for my fantasy football draft that evening.  From the looks of my resulting team, the time would have been better spent mowing the lawn or fixing the gutters.  I got home from the draft event about 11:00 to find an empty house.  Doni had taken Gabe down to the Plaza to a little party, and they ended up staying out all night.  The results of this fiesta were quite disastrous, as I shall detail later.

Sunday turned out similarly non-eventful.  We met Doni’s parents down at the gym for lunch, which was a lot better than it sounds.  They put on a nice brunch; I’m for it.  I don’t know what happened to the rest of the afternoon honestly, but the next thing I knew it was time to start getting ready for the Sunday evening television events.  We hosted dinner this week, so there was a short burst of house-cleaning involved but nothing too major.  (Well, aside from the still-to-be-told tale of terror.)  We had spaghetti for dinner;  Mike’s Grandma sent some homemade sauce and he was good enough to share the wealth.  We made homemade pasta for the first time too;  Didn’t come out bad for our first attempt.  I’m not entirely convinced it was worth the effort, but it was kinda fun.  We voted it “worth doing again.”  Might branch out next time and mix in some garlic or basil or something a little saucier…

Well the only tale of the weekend left to tell is of Gabe’s “Incident”, alluded to briefly during the previous paragraphs.  I am sure nobody really wants to hear about my pup getting sick, but the scope of the horror was so gigantic that I really feel it bears re-telling.  It all began with Doni taking him to that party Saturday night;  At least that’s where I’m laying the blame.  I don’t know exactly what went on in that den of iniquity known as the Plaza, but the poor boy was kind of out of sorts all day Sunday.  Who knows, he might just take after me a little bit, which is to say he doesn’t like situations “out of the norm.”  Take him out of his element and bad things could happen.  At any rate, the pup pretty much just moped around all day Sunday.  Then, about 4:30, I walked into the TV room to find a mess of such proportions that I still shudder to think of it.  I’m going to give him the benefit of the doubt and say he puked, but in all honesty I’m not really sure what came out where.  All I know is it was a bad scene; Poor Gabe was sitting there looking kind of sheepish, and there was a mess on the carpet, the drapes, the wall…  Oh it was bad.  I was so shocked I could just kind of manage a little gasp;  “help… help….”  Doni came running in, surveyed the situation, and immediately turned and ran for a pair of rubber gloves and some cleaning supplies.  Meanwhile, I headed to the garage to get a garden trowel and started shovelling.  (Seriously…  Shovelling.)  We found ground zero back behind the drapes, which is generally considered “cat territory.”  I was ready to push the blame off on Kane at that point, but I don’t think he is physically big enough to create an explosion of such magnitude.  I swear, 2000 square feet of hardwood floors and the boy picks our new carpet and drapes to get sick on.  What can ya’ do.  There doesn’t seem to be any permanent damage though… it’s “visible” but just barely.  Not as bad as it coulda been;  At first glance we were ready to condemn the house and move into a condo.  The whole event just went to further solidify my belief that I never would have been able to handle a kid.  Bottom line, no more parties for Gabe.