So there are tropical storms forecast for today? Hmmm. That must mean I am in the tropics. Yep, I might as well be sitting on the beach right now. It certainly feels just like it.
I meant to post a blurb yesterday; Guess I forgot. Or maybe I was just too busy. Yeah, I forgot. Had a good bike ride Tuesday night at any rate. I met Munkirs out at Mission Farms for the Tuesday night JCBC ride. We’d done it once before and liked it pretty well. And, since “tropical storms” are on the radar for this evening, we figured it might be our only chance to ride this week. It’s a great route, I would say even better than our Thursday night ride. And, even better, they don’t stop, where as the Thursday night group feels the need for two rest stops. Two stops on a 15 – 17 mile ride? Seriously? A good rule of thumb is, “If Phil doesn’t need to rest, nobody needs to rest,” as I’m quite sure that regardless of age I am in the poorest shape of the bunch. Stop they do though. Maybe we should just leave 30 minutes before everybody else on that one and do our own thing… Anyway, back to the Tuesday ride, it was a rather briskly paced group, and we actually made it back to the cars before dark. I was pleased we kept up with the front of the group so easily. It was one of those rides that made me think, “Hey, maybe I can ride the MS-150.” But, as I have mentioned before, 17 miles is long ways from 100 miles. Roughly 83 miles by my math.
Had a bit of fun last night too. After a quick glance at the balance (or lack thereof) of our checking account, we probably should have stayed home and watched TV, but we decided to run up to 75th Street for some dinner. Hey, we had a coupon. We managed to loiter there for quite a while, enjoying the nice weather out on their new deck. Had a quite tasty plate of shrimp pasta, then split an obscene serving of bread pudding for dessert. After that we headed home and crafted a unique fantasy football league. The entire league consists of us. Head to head, a show down of football wits. Oh, this should be interesting. As we quickly discovered, the league minimum was four teams, so each of us is managing two teams. Add together the points of each person’s two teams, and the highest total each week wins. Our draft started at 9:45, and we completed all four teams in just under 30 minutes. Much more efficient than any other draft I’ve been to. The grand prize? Well, we were in a hurry, haven’t gotten that far yet. Money? Doubtful. Bragging rights? Possible, if boring. Hmmm, have to cipher on that.
How about if Phil wins you get a new carbon road bike. If Donnie wins then Munkirs gets a new carbon road bike.
I like where your head is at on this one. I’ll bring it up to the league commish.
Hey Phil….. You all doing JJD BBQ next week?
Yes we are. Got some big surprises for you boys this year, be prepared!!! (I don’t really know what they are but surely we can come up with something.)