Happy snow-day. What a hoot. Yee-haw. Think I’ll go sledding after work. Bah, it’ll melt off soon enough. We enjoyed our weekend despite the horrible, miserable, heart-breaking, dismal weather. I went to the Brooksider for a brief visit Friday night, just because I hadn’t been there all week and I needed to catch up on the latest exciting events. Turned out there weren’t any, but it was good to see everyone all the same. After a little dinner at home, we popped in Due Date for evening entertainment. Donette said it was pretty funny; I’ll have to take her word for it as I fell asleep almost immediately.
Saturday morning we got up and headed down to Crossroads Gym for our first “Boot Camp” session. (Looks like their site is down, maybe they’ll trade me some sessions for a more reliable server.) We bought a Groupon for this some time ago, and finally got around to scheduling our classes. I figured what the heck, I went through actual boot camp not too long ago, and then there was that one morning we exercised during Desert Storm, so this wouldn’t be any big deal. Wow, turns out maybe that eight weeks of conditioning wore off a bit over the last 25 years. It was pretty freaking hard, I was dogging the whole time to be sure. We both survived though, and I thought it was pretty fun. (I keep repeating the “pretty fun” part several times a day so I will go back.) After that solid start to the day we headed home, where Ronda was waiting to help Donette with some remodeling projects. She brought her pups Cooper and Millie with her too, so Teagan got some good play time in. Cooper and Teagan went at it pretty hard; They had to be throttled back a few times but overall it went quite well. While I did the hard work of sheriffing the dogs in the back yard, the girls were upstairs working in the bathroom. By the time they were done we had no toilet or sink in our bathroom. As of this writing we still have no toilet or sink in our bathroom. It will all be good soon though. Hit a few snags, like every other single project that has ever been attempted in our 75-year-old house, but it’ll work out. We wrapped up the day with a nice dinner up at 75th Street (yet another Groupon deal) then headed home for a quiet evening.
Sunday we both were greeted with extreme pain upon our attempts at getting out of bed. Wow, I guess we got our moneys worth out of the ol’ boot camp. Not like “a little tight” sore either; More like “can’t walk down the stairs” sore. Donette bravely headed off to the gym with Susan to try and stretch out a bit. I was having none of that, but I did hobble a few miles down the trail with Teagan to try and loosen up. I don’t think it helped either of us though. It really kind of makes me wonder about my cycling. I’ve gone on a handful of 17 – 20 mile rides this year so far with no discomfort at all, and then one hour of this “boot camp” stuff and I can hardly walk? Hmmmm. Might need to ramp up the effort on the bike. I joined the girls down at Jalapenos for a tasty lunch, then went home and started raking leaves, a project which was mercifully cut short by the bizarre snow storm. Forced back inside by this untimely weather, I spent the rest of the day on the couch watching basketball.