How ‘Bout Them Tigers

Wow I’m really going to be struggling for material this week.  Too cold to go outside, I don’t feel very well, and we’re flat broke.  Those pretty much add up to a very uneventful weekend.

Friday Donette had to go out of town, leaving me home alone to watch the pups.  After she left, it occurred to me that I really felt quite poorly;  Feverish, achy, the whole bit.  So, I threw down some NyQuil, put on a blanket, and thus ended Friday.

Saturday brought moderately more entertainment.  I met up with a bunch of guys down at the Brooksider to A) attend their post-Fantasy-Football-season party and B) watch the MU game.  It’s possible that sitting in a smoky building all afternoon wasn’t the ideal environment for somebody feeling half-sick, but it was fun anyway.

Sunday the “highlight” of our day was a trip to the dreaded Nebraska Furniture Mart.  That place really wears me out for some reason.  But, I agreed to go, because they had a pair of headphones that I wanted to pick up.  After enduring roughly six hours of looking at furniture, I rushed down to the electronics department to get my headphones.  Wouldn’t you know, they were out of them.  Boy we got some super-duper furniture though.  Tedious shopping experience aside, the trip was made somewhat more interesting by our new GPS.  Those things are pretty fun toys.  I’m not convinced it was the most practical purchase for a person that rarely goes over 5 miles from home, but it’s still fun.  Heck I turned it on this morning to see how to get to the office that I’ve been driving to for 15 years.  Can’t be too careful you know.

That’s it, that’s all I got.  Let the work week begin.  I will add that, after the enthusiastic response to last week’s “helmet” poll, I have become convinced that I need an entire suit of armor.  I could wear it for added protection when riding the scooter, or I may decide to go to the Renaissance Festival some year;  The possibilities are endless.  And, while searching the ‘Net for armor for myself, I even came across a guy that makes armor for dogs.  Man, would I be cool walking the dogs in armor or what???  Come on now, who looks cooler:  These dogs or this dogThese dogs or this dog?  No contest!!!

7 thoughts on “How ‘Bout Them Tigers

  1. I haven’t decided yet.  I still feel kind of sick but it might be work.  We got a “buffet” (??) for the dining room and a cabinet thing to go in the hall upstairs.  I should say, we ordered them, they won’t be in until early Feb.

  2. Phil – Armor for a pitbull – yeah that sounds like a good idea. Ranks right up with some other great combo’s I can think of: Gas and fire, salt and open wounds, Martin and showers…

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