House Arrest, Week Two

So, not much to go on again this weekend.  If I didn’t mention it, Donette has been out of town the last few weekends.  Left to my own devices, it’s a known fact I will typically just sit on the couch and watch TV, eating microwave popcorn and Ritz crackers.  (I was starting to feel a little faint by Sunday afternoon, so I mixed some peanut butter into the diet.  Paired wonderfully with the crackers.)  Both of my friends were otherwise occupied this weekend, so it made my sloth-like ways even more inevitable.  I did have big plans of going bike riding, but it actually rained all weekend and threw that off too.  I watched no small amount of Gunsmoke, several random sporting events, and even ventured out once to wander the aisles at Costco.  The Costco trip netted two items I feel inclined to mention, mostly from lack of anything else to type about.  First was a meyer lemon tree.  I’ve been wanting a lemon tree since we moved into the house.  I was supposed to get one when the backyard got landscaped, but for reasons unknown to me…  I didn’t.  (Never really figured that one out.  Whatever, it was $20 at Costco.)  I see them for sale occasionally, and then after I wait around trying to decide if it’s a good time to plant, if it’s the variety I want, blah blah, they’re all gone.  So, when I saw a few of these out front of Costco, I threw one in the cart.  No, it’s not really the variety I wanted, but I’m tired of waiting.  Second was a fancy new electric razor.  This was another item I’ve probably been over-thinking.  I’m a Braun man myself, but I’ve long been intrigued by the Norelco design.  A few weeks ago when I was wandering Costco, I couldn’t help but notice they had quite nice models of both brands available, for exactly the same price.  This set me on a bout of research between the two:  Which was better for shaving your head?  Which was better overall?  Which had better battery life?  How expensive were replacement parts?  Well, it was pretty much a dead draw, depending on which review you were reading.  I must say I was leaning toward the Norelco, mostly because I’m a bit peeved that my Braun wore out.  The head pops off it while you’re shaving, which is quite annoying.  Not like once a week, like five times every time you use it.  OK, it’s probably eight years old…  But still.  Anyway, when I headed in to make my final decision and saw the Norelco was $30 off, my final decision was made.  Initial results are very positive, I’m happy with the purchase.  Is it “As close as a blade?”  Heck no, I can’t believe anybody ever claimed that.  But, close enough to get me through the work day.  It IS a noticeably closer shave than my old Braun though.  I don’t believe anybody could tell the difference between it and a blade unless they ran their fingers over my face.  And honestly, that very rarely happens during my day-to-day encounters.  Thus concludes my product review, wasn’t that exciting and informative?