Hot Enough Fer Ya?

Whoa it’s toasty out there.  Downright nasty.  Oh well, I guess in all fairness it is summer in KC. We had a good weekend despite the weather though, and despite not sticking to our “weekend plan” at all.   Maybe we shouldn’t even try planning, because whatever we put on a list just never works out.  Friday I don’t recall that we did much of anything;  We hit social hour  at the Brooksider, then went home and played Wii games for quite a while.  Boring entertainment, but cheap and wholesome.  (My new motto.)  After that we popped in “The Dark Knight” and I promptly fell asleep as usual.

Saturday Donette went out with “the girls” and I had a big motorcycle ride planned.  I got my ride all washed up, fueled up, and ready to go.  My buddy Troy showed up on his bike just about the time the rain started.  We stood around and ciphered on this unfortunate situation for a while, trying to guess what it was going to do.  After a while it was clear the rain wasn’t going anywhere so we called no joy on the ride.  Bummer;  We’d been trying to get something coordinated for over a year and that was the first Saturday we finally got sync’d up.  But, riding in the rain ain’t a whole lot of fun, so I guess we’ll just have to try again another day.  So, given the rainout, I slogged down to the Brooksider and spent the rest of my afternoon there, mostly out of sheer boredom.

Sunday, according to our weekend itinerary, I was to spend the afternoon smoking a brisket.  Well, as it happened, I just didn’t really feel like it.  I had finally gotten around to picking up a new handgun last week, (a Ruger SR9 for the very few readers who might actually care,) and I was anxious to try it out.  So, I called up my friend Mark and we headed out to Parma Woods for some shootin’.  Yeah, it was a little warm out, but it was a lot of fun.  It must have been fun, because we were there over three hours.  After that entertainment, we once again headed to the Brooksider for a little a/c.  (Apparently my unofficial hiatus on the Brooksider is over;  Geez I went there more last weekend than the last two months total.)  We hung out there for a while, then our neighbor Brooke showed up feeling hungry so we walked down to Jalapenos for dinner.  After stuffing myself on some enchiladas I went home and curled up on the couch for a movie.  Donette recommended “Iron Man,” which her and Susan had watched the night before.  Indeed, it was a good flick;  I even stayed awake all the way through it.

2 thoughts on “Hot Enough Fer Ya?

  1. Hmmmm. First a pit bull and now a hand gun. I think maybe you have been listening to a little too much Hip Hop music…

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