Holy Smokes It’s Hot

Wow it is hot out.  The motorcycle ride home is less than enjoyable.  Like riding into a hair-dryer while sitting in an oven.  I seriously considered taking the bus today, but then there is the walk across downtown to and from the bus stop to consider.  Can’t win.

I have absolutely nothing to go on from yesterday, but for the sake of consistency I’ll update this anyway.  I need to fix my mountain bike in preparation for our upcoming vacation, so I messed with that for about ten minutes.  Turned a few screws, moved a cable, and declared it a job for a professional.  Guess it’s off to the shop.  For dinner we grilled up some bacon-wrapped sirloins, which I guess were good enough to comment on.  Had some fried ‘shrooms & onions on the side, and Donette whipped up a homemade slaw that was mighty fine.  After that I dove into “jailbreaking” my iPod Touch;  I’m sure everyone has been following that news with rapt attention so I won’t go into the details.  It went flawlessly, and I messed with it for a good hour afterward checking out the new features.  I finally killed enough time that the Royals came on.  I thought I had a pretty good feel for how the game was going to turn out after the first three innings, so I turned it off and went to bed.  Checking the paper this morning, looks like I made the right call.