Hey, The Chiefs Didn’t Lose!!

Happy Monday.  I really should try updating this silly thing on Sunday, before Monday hits and I start my rapid descent into foul-ness.  It might bring a cheerier tone to the page.  Yeah, I’ll put that on my to-do list.  Anyway…  We started the weekend off on Friday by, of all things, going to the Brooksider.  We really don’t go there much anymore, but I do enjoy my Friday afternoon table-time there, particularly when it’s sunny and 75 degrees out.  There was a rather festive crowd there on this particular afternoon too, so we had just a fine time.  Martin and Brice even showed up, and we spent a little time developing our plan for next years BBQ season.  (As usual, not much of the plan has to do with improving our scores;  Just how to make things easier on ourselves.)  After that we headed back home, then went over to our neighbors house and crashed their party.  We stayed just long enough to eat up all their pizza and meet their guests, then retreated back to our house.  Didn’t want to overstay our welcome, you know;  We were just hungry.  I can’t understand why we don’t get invited over more.

Saturday I got up pretty early and didn’t have anything to do, so I headed off to the gym to goof around for a while.  I should probably do that more, it’s a rather nice diversion.  That killed a few hours, then we walked Gabe down to the Brooksider for a little lunch.  Did I just say we didn’t get to the Brooksider much?  Well, it was a nice day for a walk, Gabe likes hanging out there, and we were hungry, so it just happened to work out.  Gabe did just famously of course.  I think he enjoys the attention from everybody.  He was a little too well behaved actually;  I tried to get him to eat a few of the noisy KU fans that were gunking up the patio, but he was having none of it.  After that, we headed across the state line (shudder) and went to my cousin Megan’s wedding.  Wow, my suit has been out of the closet twice this year, a new record.  The reception was at the Hobb’s Building downtown, which was a rather interesting place.  We enjoyed all the good food and the jazz band for a while, then headed back home just in time to catch the end of the Missouri game.  Shoulda stayed at the reception.

Sunday I got up with high hopes of implementing my new plan of using the day wisely.  Didn’t really work out though.  Hey, there were some really exciting games on, what could I do?  Heck, for a while it even looked as though my fantasy team might win their first game.  (Didn’t happen.)  Donette, meanwhile, went on a rather rare cooking spree.  She spent her afternoon making a big pot of chili, and baking a birthday cake for one of our neighbors.  I found the cake a rather curious undertaking.  I’ve had a good 20 birthdays since she has known me, and she hasn’t made me a cake on a single one of them.  Yes, curious.  Probably because I don’t really like cake that much.  Yeah, that’s probably it.  Anyway, after wasting my day in front of the TV, I finally managed to migrate from the couch to the patio to enjoy the nice evening weather a bit.  We made a nice little fire and sat around eating cake;  Can’t beat that.  The cake, incidentally, was quite good.  Maybe I’ll get one for my birthday next year.

2 thoughts on “Hey, The Chiefs Didn’t Lose!!

  1. Gabe has settled down. I wanted him to eat the neighbor kid and he looked at me like I was crazy.
    By the way leave the KU fans alone. They won there game this week. I thought about getting Gabe a KU collar and a MU
    lease for Christmas. He would be styling….
    What kind of cake did Donette make for Brooke?

  2. She made a red velvet, I think they are called?  From scratch even.  It was good, whatever it was.

    Tonight I begin training Gabe to growl whenever he sees a Jayhawk.

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