Got another Pigfest in the books, and I suppose I am a little worse for the wear because of it. Good times to be sure, I just think I am getting a little old for any event that lasts over 2 hours.
We flew into Indianapolis last Thursday afternoon (cheaper airfare,) rented a car, and headed for downtown Cincy. I’m not exactly sure what the hurry was… We got to the hotel by 3:00 and found ourselves with nothing to do. No worries though, we’re pretty good at that. We sat around the hotel for several hours and then met our friend Amy down at a place called “Knock Back Nats” for a little happy hour. Nice lil’ pub, reminded us of Bobby Bakers. We caught up on all the current Cincy happenings over a few hours, then turned in relatively early.
Friday was another rather relaxing day. We spent the better part of it out at the hotel pool, enjoying the sun and reading books. I have been honing my pool-loitering techniques this summer at Woodside, and actually am getting quite good at it. My tolerance level is up to about 3 hours before I start getting fidgity. So, we splashed around for a while, then headed out to lunch at the place I love to hate, Skyline Chili. Weird stuff man, weird stuff. We go there at least once every time we are there though, under the “When in Cincy…” premise. After filling our bellies on oddly spiced psuedo-meat kinda-chili product, we walked back across the street to the same place as the night before, Knock Back Nats, to meet up with Kim & Ed and their posse for some evening entertainment. Same drill as the night before, but we stayed out later this time and hit a few more spots.
Saturday was pig-day. The day started out rather slowly when one of us couldn’t answer the bell for breakfast. Or after breakfast. Or checkout time, or lunch. I don’t think it’s necessary to name names, but it wasn’t me. Personally I like to maximize my pig-fest time by showing up around 11:00, but as it happened we didn’t even leave the hotel until well after 1:00. I’ve been cheated! Oh well, when you need to sleep in a little extra, there’s not much you can do but sleep in. We made it out to the Paff Entertainment Complex a little after 2:00, and luckily there was still plenty of pig left. (Dinner actually isn’t until much later… I don’t know why I like to get there so early. Same reason I like to get to hotels early, who knows.) We passed the day enjoying some sun, catching up with all our Cincy friends, and taking our annual drubbing in cornhole. (I actually made it to the second round this year though.)
Sunday was “travel back to KC” day. We headed back to the Paff’s house under the pretense of “helping clean up” but ended up laying in their pool instead. Some time later in the afternoon Donette started cipherin’ the math on how long it would take us to get back to Indy airport and decided we were already running a little late. I rather grudgingly got out of the pool and we headed that way. Indeed, we barely got there in time for our flight, especially after our Garmin led us to a big deserted building with a big sign that said “Airport Has Moved.” Oops, time to update the Garmin. We made it though, and it actually worked out good because just as we were passing the checkin desk they announced the flight was oversold by one and they needed somebody to stay back. So, Donette quickly veered over and took them up on that. Next trip is now paid for!
That was it for the day. Donette’s folks picked me up in KC, I went and got Gabe from his Aunt Ronda’s house, drove straight home and wiped out on the couch. Donette was in bed this morning when I got up, so presumably she got home also. I managed to actually take some pictures for once over the weekend, I’ll do my best to get those up this evening. Next trip, Kentucky!!