I am feeling rather creatively stifled today. Bear with me please. Before I forget, let me mention that I fixed a long-running issue with my web server that was preventing large-ish downloads, so now I can share such fascinating content as the JoCo Rap song, and the video of Gabe doing the hurdles. It was quite a perplexing issue actually; I was quite stymied. This was actually the first time I just threw up my hands and (GASP!!) went online to talk to strangers. And, what do you know, they actually fixed it for me. You can read all the action-packed banter on the lighttpd forum if you are in need of some excitement. Actually it not FIXED, but they gave me a work-around, which is fine for me. Ol’ Mr. xummxxu isn’t as pleased, but you can’t make everyone happy.
Well let’s see, what did I do this weekend? Started off pretty well on Friday by stopping in at the Brooksider on my way home to see who was there. Lo’ and behold, Belanger and Lueck were sitting there doing some psuedo-business kind of stuff, so I pulled up a chair with them. After a while Todd and Downtown Brown stopped in too, and we hung out for a while. And, of course, all the usual people were there too. Donette, meanwhile, was out with her band of hooligans somewhere at one of her more posh events. She’s getting too well-to-do for the ‘Sider I suppose. Kind of like Todd, although he graces us with a guest appearance now and then.
Saturday night I had to go in to work, so that kind of nixxed the whole day. I don’t like to do a whole lot before a night of work, just sit around and mope. I spent the morning working on the Woodlands Trophy site, which took all of about 30 minutes. The place where it was hosted previously just up and dissappeared one day, so I had to move it to another provider. Due to my fastidious backup scheme, (or sheer luck) I had a copy of the site at home so it was pretty easy. Oh, and I made my semi-quarterly trip to the gym too, which is always exciting. Whew, do I feel a lot healthier. Ohhhhh yeah.
Sunday I slept in a bit, since I didn’t get home from work until some ridiculous time. At least I considered it a ridiculous time; Donette was still out kickin’ it when I got home. She was at Westport of all places, on some kind of wedding-shower-slash-bachelorette party kind of thing. I don’t know what time she finally drug in, but she brought the morning paper in with her so it must have been well after I called it a night. I took this to mean she was going to be asleep for a while, so I snuck on down to the Brooksider to watch the Royals game around noon. If anyone watched that first inning, it was abundantly clear that the baseball game wasn’t going to provide a real big source of afternoon entertainment for me. Luckily “The Group” showed up around 1:00, so I sat around with them and watched golf and Nascar. Neither of those are even remotely interesting to me. But, neither was the prospect of sitting at home playing computer games so I chose the lesser of two boredoms. I finally ran into Donette around 6:00 or so, and we sat around watching television for the rest of the day. We somehow got sucked in to “Remember the Titans” on network TV, and then I had to go online to research how much of it was actually true. As usual, the weekend wrapped up with the latest episode of Entourage, and that was about it.
Some fine looking trophies available. Maul – perhaps its time to invest in a traveling trophy for Mule Ball FF league. I like the looks of 13S and Foot15 – see website for picture – plus I know Chuck would hate these – not enough glitz for him. I could live with a plaque as well.
What did you find out about “Remember the Titans”? I got sucked into watching it as well. Followed it up with an exciting Bengals preseason game. They did look much better than the Chiefs though. Can’t wait for Sept. 10th!
Well, mostly I was curious as to what happened to the paralyzed guy, Gerry Bertier. Two factoids turned up: 1) He was killed in a car crash, and 2) He played in the championship game, and was injured AFTER the season was over. He did in fact win a gold medal in the wheelchair olympics. Sounds like the movie is pretty close to fact-based overall, at least from my 30 minutes of reading. They’ve had several reunions since that season too. They should have run “updates” on all the players at the end of the flick.
I’m looking forward to the 10th also… this will (likely) mark my first “practice” brisket of the season. I have a new secret recipe on board… beware. I am still looking for volunteers to help light the smoker at 4:00 a.m. the 9th by the way…
Check out trophy “Soc 26M” on page 4 of the Soccer section. That is actually me. I had to pose, perfectly still, for like 9 hours while they sculpted that likeness.
If my family is in town on Friday night, I volunteer my dad and brother to help with the smoker. I bet there are very effective after a few hours down at the ‘Falloon.